❄️Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes?!❄️

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Akdjdndnnd I'm back and I am so so sorry for such a late update!!! Don't kill me please 😩😭  Currently rn I'm on spring break so I'll try to upload as often as I can, sadly though I am currently tested positive with Covid so I'm kinda out of it at the moment! 😔 I'm sorry guys but here's part 6, it's a bit longer compared to the others I believe so here you go! Anyways like always enjoy and happy reading~

As the sun shined through her window it woke the (e/c) female up preparing her for a new day as she as she got out of her bed and did her morning routine.

Quickly making herself some breakfast and preparing lunch she runs out the door meeting up with Naruto to start the day.

"Good morning Naruto, did you eat breakfast today?" The young female asks the blonde once he steps out of his home. First thing that she noticed was his new headband he proudly wore around his forehead.

"Hahah yea! (Y/N), can you believe it, we're actually ninjas now!" He cheered happily as (Y/N) followed him keeping a smile on her face.

After a bit of talking the pair finally made it to the academy. The female looked around noticing it wasn't quite empty as she wondered  who her potential teammates would be.

"Naruto, what are you doing here? This place isn't for dropouts, you can't be here unless you've graduate." Turning towards where the voice came from (Y/N)'s eyes landed on a boy with spiky brown pineapple styled haired.

Nara Shikamaru... She thought as she glanced at him giving a small smile.

"Oh, well do you see this?! It's a regulation headband, open your eyes Shikamaru!" Naruto shouted pointing at his forehead. "So believe it or not we'll be training together!"

The brunette male sighed as his eyes were filled with boredom. He seemed to give the female a quick glance before giving a small shrug and walking away. It wasn't soon after a stampede of girls came into the classroom scaring the (h/c) girl slightly making her grab onto Naruto's arm.

The blonde blushed not expecting the sudden contact to happen. "(Y-Y/N)"? He stutters out before she looks at him with wide eyes and quickly let go. "I-I am so sorry!" She panics slightly feeling the heat rise to her face.

"Ha I'm first!" Came shouts in unison making the (h/c) female turn to see Yamaka Ino and Haruno Sakura ahead of the stampede of girls. Naruto turned pink in the face from staring at the females specifically Sakura.

Sakura then ran over which made Naruto stand up to greet her. "Hey there, Sakura!"

"Move it!" She yelled as she slammed him to the ground then proceeded to make her way towards the person of her desire.

Uchiha Sasuke

With wide eyes (Y/N) let's out a gasp as she makes her way towards Naruto now helping him up. "Naruto, are you alright?" She asks with worry laced in her tone as she then stares towards the direction Sakura went not believing anyone would be mean enough to do such a thing.

"Haha it's fine, (Y/N) chan don't worry about me, I'm fine!" He says trying to comfort her with his words as the female frowned before giving a small smile. "Ok that's good.."

Soon a whole argument started with the group of Sasuke's apparent fangirls over a seat next to him. As for the male himself he just sat there, in silence without a word and a stoic expression on his features."

Whatever happened to you?

Naruto himself seemed to be fed up by the whole situation over Sasuke that he just on the table glaring at the raven haired male making the (e/c) girl follow behind him in case something were to happen again. To anyone it was pretty obvious they both didn't like each other, it seemed that way since their rivalry during the academy days.

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