❄️My Name Is Konohamaru!❄️

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Soooo I wanna start of with an I'm so so so sorry for not updating! (ಥ﹏ಥ) One thing led to another then before I knew it school work eventually got caught up with me. Not only that buuuuut I had to be quarantined cause I kinda was feeling a bit sick at work. (>﹏<) But everything is ok now, I'm alright and I hope everyone is doing alright as well! Remember to take good care of yourselves and to be careful if you go out! Anyways that's all I wanted to say, so happy reading. Thank you!

(Y/N)'s POV

"So how'd it turn out?" Asked Naruto looking from over my shoulder once I finished taking my picture.

"Hm..not too bad I think, but Naruto are you sure you want your picture taken like that?" I asked a bit unsure.

The blonde just grinned giving a thumbs up in response before turning to the photographer.

"Come on and just take the picture already old man!" Naruto rushes the photographer to take his picture as I wait from the sidelines for him.

"Don't blame me for this later kid." Groaned the photographer as he went under the camera's blanket to snap the photo of Naruto. "Alright, say cheese."

I giggled at Naruto whom was having his picture taken. He wore a white and red face paint that would make him have an almost angry look.

This made me smile a bit watching the energetic blonde.

~~Time Skip~~

We both sat in the Hokage's office as Lord 3rd look through our newly taken profile pictures. I didn't mind much since I knew not much would be said about my picture so my gaze travel around the office staring at various objects including the ninjas in there with us.

The Hokage sighed catching my attention as he looked at Naruto's picture.

Laughing, Naruto put a hand behind his neck as the Hokage continues to look at Naruto's newly taken picture.

"I didn't know how to exactly do it at first, it took me almost three hours to work it all out. But then I finally figured it out! It's like an art piece on my face, but just cooler!" Naruto says with a grin.

"Take it again" The Hokage says simply.

"No way!" Shouted the blonde.

"We can't accept this photo"

"Well I'm not taking it again!" Naruto yelled growling in anger at the thought of having to take his picture again.

"Agh, take this! Transform!" Using his sexy jutsu, Naruto turned into an older female version of himself with clouds smokes covering his private areas.

My eyes widen at the sight of the sudden naked female Naruto. If I knew anything from observing him these past few years, then I know exactly where's this will go.

"Pretty please Lord Hokage"~ 'She' begged.

"Huh!?" The Hokage looked dumbfounded.

"Ack!" He yelled as blood poured out of his nose all of a sudden knocking him back.

After a bit the Hokage got back up and sat down. "That's your sexy jutsu you say?" He questions as he wipes his nose with a tissue. "Very tricky. Too tricky. Don't do it again" Lord Third warned.

Naruto chuckles nervously as I offer and awkward smile. "And Naruto, Where is your head band? You're supposed to be wearing it."

"Um, gra-" My eyes widen as a small blush arose to my cheeks before catching my mistake. "I-I mean Lord Third, Naruto actually mentioned not wanting to wear his head band until orientation so he wouldn't mess it up..."

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