❄️Enter Naruto Uzumaki Pt.2❄️

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Hello again guys here's another chapter for you all. Quarantine has been pretty much boring but even so I've been busy with my online classes. I managed to get a 3rd chapter done and 4th chapter should be uploaded soon as well. Quarantine hasn't really kept me too busy so I think ill be able to update this book as much as I can. Happy reading and I hope everyone is staying safe out their with your friends and family!
3rd Pov

Finally today was the day. The final test to determine whether you would be a full fledged ninja or not.   (Y/N) could hardly sleep just thinking about it. Quickly the young female did her morning routine and changed in her desired attire before leaving her home and heading towards Naruto's place.

Knocking on his door Naruto finally came out, face beaming happily. It would be a lie if you'd say he wasn't excited for today. "Hey Naruto are you ready to leave?" (Y/N) smile as she give him a small wave.

Giving you a nod the blonde closed the door to his apartment and the two of you walk towards the academy.

"I hope we both pass, I'm kinda nervous" The (E/C) female says as she let out a small chuckle. "Don't worry (Y/N) I'm sure you'll pass, someone as awesome as you shouldn't worry too much! Besides, you have me to cheer you on!" Naruto grins as he gives her a thumbs up.

"T-thanks Naruto...I appreciate it." Muttering as she looks down at her shoes and smile. "I really hope you pass the test, I want you to be in the same team as me." (Y/N) smile as they both head towards the academy talking about the final test and what would await for them.

          ~Time Skip brought to you by Ramen~

"We will now start the final exam!" Iruka-sensei tells the class. "When your name is called, please make your way towards the testing room." Sensei said as he explained all the rules to the class. "The final test will be on the Clone Jutsu!"

Clone Jutsu? Y-yea I can do that! (Y/N) says internally to herself as she smiles a bit.

Aahhhh! Nooo that's my worst technique! Now I'll never be with (Y/N!) Naruto said well more yelled internally fo himself as his panicking was evident now worrying the (H/C) female.

"Naruto, are you ok? What's wrong?" (Y/N) asks in a concerned toned as she placed a hand in Naruto's shoulder calming the blonde a bit. "The Clone Jutsu is my worst technique! What if I do bad? What if I fail?" Naruto says as he looks up at his friend with sad eyes.

"Naruto....please don't say such things" (Y/N) mutters as she embraces the blonde in a comforting hug. "I believe in you, and I know you can do this!"

One by one the name of students were called to have there to for the test. Walking out with their new headband. (Y/N) and Naruto continued talking until they were interrupted by their sensei.

"Yuki (Y/N)"

Hearing the sound of her name the female lifted her head in acknowledgment before walking towards the testing room not before hearing a quick "Good Luck from her blonde friend"

                        ~With Iruka And Mizuki~

Calm down (Y/N), take a deep breathe. The (H/C) female told herself feeling slightly nervous.

Iruka smiles at the female as (Y/N) took a deep breathe. "Alright (Y/N) whenever you're ready you may begin"

"Yes..." She nods giving a small nervous smile towards Mizuki and Iruka.

Taking another deep breathe, the female closes her eyes as she preform the proper hand sign for her jutsu while concentrating on her amount of chakra.

"Clone Jutsu!"

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