❄️A Dangerous Mission! Journey To The Land Of Waves!❄️

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I have such a bad headache rn but I wanted to update this, it was in my drafts waiting to be finished and well here we go! Part idk because I lost count buuuut Reader chan is about to cross paths her dear big brother....Mm I wounded how that'll turn out! Anyways like always happy reading and please stay safe!

"(Y/N) reporting from point A."

"Sasuke reporting from point B."

"Sakura reporting from point C."

".....Naruto Uzumaki reporting from point D, Believe it!"

"You're slowly Naruto.." Kakashi said with a sigh through his headset. "Alright squad 7 the target has moved! Let's go, follow it!"

Not wanting to make any sudden sounds to potentially scare the target (Y/N) carefully tiptoed hiding behind a near by tree where she eyed the target from her hiding spot quietly.

"What's your positions?" Kakashi soon spoke. "Five meters" Naruto said. "I'm ready sensei, just give me the signal."

"Two meters Ot- er sensei.." (Y/N) answered back as well feeling slightly embarrassed hearing Kakashi's chuckle on the other end. "Well I'm ready when you guys are."

"I'm ready" Sasuke spoke.

"I'm ready too!" Sakura soon answers.

"Ok..now!" And without wasting time all four members of Team 7 launched themselves at the target, with Naruto ending up being the one to capture it.

"I got it!" Naruto exclaimed holding the cat in his arms.

"Does he have a ribbons on his right ear?" Kakashi asked as Sasuke soon gives him a nod. "Yes, that's our target."

"Good work, looks like we have a positive I.D." Kakashi said.

Watching as her blonde friend got clawed and scratched by Torah, (Y/N) could help but give a small smile as she soon approached the blonde before taking the cat in her arms. "I think it's best if I take him off you." She spoke calmly as the feline simply snuggled into her chest.

"Lost pet Torah found and captured. Mission accomplished." Kakashi soon declared.

"Ugh, can't we get a better mission than this?! I hate cats!!" Naruto yelled through the headset as the (E/C) eyed female flinched in pain causing her to throw the head set immediately.

              ❄️❄️With The Hokage❄️❄️

"Oh my poor sweet little Torah!" (Y/N) gave a worried glance at the cat as she watched him get squished from a hug by his owner. "Mommy was so worried about her little fuzzykins, yes!" She spoke happily.

Naruto laughed at the cat's misfortune seeing it as revenge. "Ha, stupid cat! He deserves to be squished!" He said while laughing.

Lord Hokage sat behind his desk, his pipe in his mouth like usual as he glanced down at some papers. "As for Team 7's next mission we have several available tasks." He spoke calmly still reading from his papers. "Among them, babysitting the Feudal Lord's child, helping his wife do shopping, digging up potatoes in the-"

"NO NO NO!" Naruto yelled as he cut off the Hokage. "I want to go on a real mission! Come on old man!" He said as he formed an 'X' with his arms clearly angry.

"How dare you!" Iruka sensei yelled now standing up. "You're brand new Genin with no experience so you start of with small missions."

"Um ojichan..maybe Naruto is right, these tasks are a bit slow paced and don't necessarily teach us much of anything...." The (H/C) haired female rubbed her arm shyly feeling awkward as everyone stared at her. "Perhaps you could give us something a bit better? I..I mean if you want that is..." (Y/N) spoke as she soon looked away from the elder male not wanting to meet his gaze.

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