nine (edited)

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"You got everything?" I asked, scanning the apartment for any last things belonging to Becca.

"I think so," she replied, setting her bags down in a heap beside the doorway.

"I mean if you don't, it's not like it's the end of the world," I laughed. "I'll be seeing you again when I come back for Jake's wedding."

"Very true," she nodded her head, looking around the place. "I'm gonna miss it here."

"What's there to miss?" I joked. "The leaking tap? The shower that takes years to warm up? Don't even get me started on the rock-hard mattress."

"That's half the magic of the place, though," she smiled. "If it were perfect then life would be boring."

"Very true," I mimicked her earlier response, smiling warmly at me best friend. "It won't be the same without you."

"I know," she grinned. "At least you'll have the couch to yourself now."

"Come on," I chuckled making my way towards her pile of bags. "Let's get you home."

The two of us carried the heavy bags down the hallway, into the elevator, and eventually out to the lobby, where Rico's canary coloured cab sat patiently waiting out front. It was only fitting that he be the one to take us back to the airport for Becca's farewell, a sort of symbol of the end of the journey for her; finishing it exactly how it had begun.

Becca thanked the elderly receptionist, who had been kind enough to let her out of her half of the lease without dumping all of the expense on me. Of course some of it had transferred over, but not nearly as much as should have been moved. The woman wishes Becca luck as we headed out to the waiting car.

"Bit of a full circle moment, isn't it," Rico commented as he drove us back to JFK.

"Certainly is," Becca looked out her window at the passing traffic. "I'm glad it's ending this way, though."

"I hope you enjoyed your time here," he continued, "although I'd also understand it if you didn't."

"I loved every minute of it," she replied honestly. "It just wasn't the home I was searching for. Let's call it a prolonged holiday."

"Alright," he laughed. "I like the sound of that."

As the airport came into sight, Empire State of Mind started playing on the radio, causing me to smile.

"New Yooooooork," the three of us sang, cranking up the volume to let Alicia Keys drown out our horrendous vocals. "Concrete Jungle where dreams are maaaade of, there's nothing you caaaan't do. Now you're in New Yooork."

"Make your dreams come true, Al," Becca said, turning to face me in the back of the cab. "I don't think you need me to tell you that this is your place."

"I knew it the moment I touched down," I smiled. "I'll live my dreams here, Becs. I'll make you all proud."

"I'm counting on it."

As Rico closed in on the taxi bay, I heard Becca exhale deeply. I grabbed her hand, squeezing it to reassure her that she was making the right decision and that we would both be more than okay.

"Thanks, Rico," Becca thanked him as we came to a stop. "How much do we owe."

"It's on the house," he smiled, turning to look at Becca one last time. I was certain that I would see him again, but she might never have that pleasure. "Safe travels, kid."

Once we'd grabbed her bags from the trunk, Becca and I headed for the international departure gates, which were luckily not too far from where we'd been dropped off. The last thing we wanted was to be forced to walk a mile with these heavy bags in tow.

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