thirteen (edited)

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As I neared the glass doors of Gray's Consulting, my boss's matte black Lamborghini was pulling into its designated parking lot. The man had money, and was more than happy to flaunt it.

"Good morning Miss Carson," he greeted me, looking just as lavish as his sleek sports car.

"Mr Gray," I acknowledged him as he fell in step with me, entering the building as I did.

"How was your weekend?" He started with his usual idle conversation, making me groan internally.

"Not too bad," came my formulaic response. "And yours?"

"Could have been better," he replied.

My attention was suddenly caught by someone waving their arm around in my peripherals. Sure enough, Bella was standing behind her desk, swinging a lanyard around her finger. Mr Gray stood off to the side as I made my way over to collect my new ID Card from the receptionist.

"How do I look?" I asked, taking the card from her hand. Although I'd seen the photo when it was taken, a lot of water had passed under the bridge since that day.

"Stunning as always," she grinned, causing me to laugh lightly.

"You're too kind," I returned the smile.

"Did something happen last night?," she asked out of nowhere, her eyes squinting as if to examine my expression. "You can't stop smiling."

"I-," I began, a little taken aback that I was so transparent. "Let's just say I'm very happy at the moment."

"Awww," she swooned, making me chuckle slightly at her reaction.

I was brought back to reality as my attention made its way back to Mr Gray, his expression now less than impressed.

"I should get to work," I told Bella. "Thanks for the Key-Card."

"Anytime, Ally," she cheerily replied, before turning to acknowledge our boss. "Mr Gray."

He nodded his head ever so slightly in reply, his hardened featured unchanging. The only thing that moved was his darkened eyes, which followed mine as I headed for the elevator.

As the doors slid closed in front us, neither Mr Gray or I made any move to speak. I wasn't really sure what he wanted me to say; it's not like I had to justify my night's events. I wasn't even entirely sure that he'd heard the receptionist's comment, or my subsequent admission. It's not like his sour expression was at all out of character, but he was definitely extra irritated by something.

The ride to the top of the complex took far too long for my liking, made even more excruciating by the undeniably thick tension that existed between the two of us. Neither of us dared to move a muscle until the doors finally parted to reveal our destination. I couldn't hide my relief as I left the confines of the tiny lift, releasing a rather loud breath of air as I entered the spacious office.

"How was your night with lover boy?" Nikki's exceedingly loud question came from where she sat behind her desk, a sinful smirk spread across her face. She knew full well that she was building it way up for the sake of the boss's reaction.

"Superb," I sent her a playful wink, fully aware of what she was trying to do. And from the looks of Mr Gray's stance, which now perfectly mimicked his expression, she had achieved her goal to a tee.

I bit back a laugh as I followed my boss into his personal office, closing the door behind me and taking a seat opposite his own.

"What can I do for you today?"

Instead of replying, or even acknowledging my presence, he reached into a drawer, grabbing out a scrap piece of paper. For the next five minutes he sat, silently scribbling something on the piece of paper, while I waited patiently in the chair in front of him.

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