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"Did someone call for a tour-guide?" Tyler's deep voice asked as I opened up my door to him.

"Well technically Nikki did," I laughed. "But I guess I'll take you up on the offer while you're here."

"Good answer," he smiled. "You look amazing, by the way."

It was at that moment that I realised that I hadn't even remembered to change out of my sweats and sports bra. Nate had left my apartment just minutes ago, giving me time enough to very roughly clean the apartment of all of the half-empty food packets and pizza boxes. Even though Tyler knew that I had just been with Nate, the last thing I wanted to do was to rub it in, or to put my messy room on display. But in doing that, I'd completely forgotten that my attire was hardly appropriate for a platonic night out with my boss.

"Thanks Tyler," I simply replied, causing him to smile as I called him by his name. I mean there was literally no point in me being formal in a situation like this. "You look nice as well."

He did. I'd barely ever seen him in anything other than a pristine business suit, but tonight he was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a plain white tee. The fact that the shirt was probably a size too small definitely helped make the entire look, clearly showing his toned torso off to the world. It also revealed some tattoos which I hadn't ever noticed before, piquing my interest even further.

"Are you right to get going?" he asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I've got quite a bit planned for tonight."

"Just let me get some shoes on" I replied, quickly slipping on some white Filas. I then grabbed my phone and keys before shutting off the lights and following him out into the hallway, locking the door behind me.

Once we'd made it out of the building, Tyler unlocked his car and opened up the passenger door for me. Instead of his usual black Lamborghini, tonight he was driving an equally impressive white Aston Marten. It was probably - no definitely - the most expensive car I had ever been inside.

"This is super nice," I commented, earning a smile from Tyler. "My brother would die if he knew I was riding in one of these."

"He's a car junky?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah," I replied. "Usually a Subaru guy, but he'd go crazy for something like this."

"My first car was actually a Subaru," he chuckled. "They're nice."

"No way," I was a little surprised by that. "You mean you weren't born with a lambo?"

"Crazy, isn't it?" he smiled, turning his attention back to the road.

As we drove, we kept up casual conversation. It was nice to just chat and get to know each other like this; not forced or uncomfortable, just genuine and cordial.

"You haven't even been to Central Park before?" his eyes widened in surprise as he pulled up into one of its many parking lots.

"I wasn't kidding when I said I haven't seen any of New York," I laughed. "I've always wanted to, though."

The two of us got out of the car, heading over to the main entrance of the park. It was absolutely massive; way bigger than I'd previously thought it would be.

"This is my favourite time to be out here," Tyler commented," because no one's around and you can do this."

With that said, he took off, running around the place like a little kid, completely free of the worries of life. I simply stood there and admired the man, loving this side of him and seeing him so happy.

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