CHAPTER 1- Flustered

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With my third cup of coffee in my left hand and a mechanical pencil in my right, I rake my brain for a possible hint of an idea for the last segment of my design. For the past week, I was being bombarded by deadlines of projects that needed to be submitted and presented today. However, as the procrastinator that I am, I ended up staring at a blank paper for three days, only to find the will to plan and design this house for a client four days before submission.

I took a glance at my digital clock that screams seven forty-five am in a bold, red color. Thankfully, I don't need to be at the office by ten, but I need to run these plans to Jazmine before we submit them and be presented to the clients after.

I groan into frustration, put my coffee and pencil down, and ran my hands through my hair as I realized that I have been awake for almost 24 hours already.

"Great, another pound added to that suitcase under your eyes" I mumbled as I try to re-focus and think of an aesthetically pleasing design. 

With a nearing empty mug in my hand, I closed my eyes to try and relax it for it is the major part in my body that's been the most overworked, other than my brain and a pair of good hands.

I decided that it's time for me to clean myself up as I finish the last details of my drawing. I headed for the shower, turn the knob on, and fill the room with warm air, letting my tensed muscles relax and gain a break. I stepped in, letting the water soothe my body and lather different kinds of products that added to the relaxing aura in the room.

As I finished washing, I wrapped myself with a towel, and another one for my hair, as my feet dragged me in front of the mirror. I wiped the moisture from the mirror to see myself but I frowned at what I saw in the reflection. Even after a relaxing shower, I still looked like a wreck. I was never the type to look this bad, but even I myself can see it.

"You'll get through this Mia, you can get through this. It's okay. It's just another day." I repeated this mantra every single day as if it's never going to change. I had to.

I stepped out of the bathroom and went straight to my closet. I put on one of my office clothes. I debated on whether to put on a skirt or slacks, but since it's a normal day for presentation, I went for neutral brown slacks. I paired it with a blazer of the same color and a white undershirt. I slipped on some white pumps and grabbed my everyday brown handbag. Since I was running a little late, I didn't dare to put on make-up but I have to do it in the parking lot if I don't want to mess up my schedule.  

I gathered the important documents lying on the coffee table, rolled my plans and place into inside my tube container, and dashed to the front door. I struggled to lock my door but I managed to do it fast.

I threw my things at the backseat of the car and started the engine. I groaned loud out of frustration as my clock flashed at nine-fifteen am.

"If I get stuck in traffic I do not have the time to run these plans to Jazmine so suck it up and drive" I huffed to myself.


In record time, with a possibility of getting a speeding ticket but the officer thought it would be me since I am late as always and let me pass, I got in office parking in twenty minutes. I examined myself in my rearview mirror and obviously, I look like a hot and flustered mess. I decided to just pop on some lip gloss and a little mascara to make myself a little bit presentable. 

I grabbed my things in the back seat, locked my car, and started to walk and run at the same time. I already broke a heel in an attempt of running across the parking lot so I need to learn from it.

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