CHAPTER 5- Electricity

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I stared at the contract for the duration of the day. I did some work eventually, but after I finish, I go back to my desk and find the contract, calling me to sign it. This is all I could ever dream of, and maybe even more. This project could be the turning point in my career that I fancied since forever. If I sign this, Ace said that I should be prepared for whatever this client wants. He heard that he can be quite demanding and he is a perfectionist at heart. We could get along very well since I am one myself.

Before going home, I grab the contract and a pen in my drawer. I took out the cap of the pen and scanned through every condition stated in the paper. I took a deep breath and moved my hands on the bottom of the paper to ink it with my signature. After doing that, I felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I wasn't nervous, I wasn't afraid, I was actually relieved because I have a feeling that this will turn out great.

I gathered the paper and walk to Mr. Cohen's office. I knocked twice when he gave permission to enter. He looked up to see who it was and down on my hands where the contract lays. He glanced up again and I smiled widely. He replied with a smile and I laid the contract in front of him.

"So you're in Johnson?" He excitedly asked.

"I was pondering on this the whole day it's basically eating me alive." I joked and laughed. Ace laughed with me as well. "I can't pass up this opportunity Ace, it's too precious not to. And the fact that you will accept my proposition is the cherry on top" I added.

"I knew you would do it, Amelia, I just felt that you needed the time to fully think about it." He stood up and grabbed his cell phone sitting on his desk. "I'm going to inform Mr. Anderson right now so he can already tell his client. I'll give you further updates. For now, go home and relax because you have a lot on your plate for this week." He said. He turned his back at me, facing his floor to ceiling window, and dialed Mr. Anderson's number.

"Night Mr. Cohen! I'll see you tomorrow!" I said and he just replied with a wave and exited his office.


I almost forgot that Drake is staying over at my apartment until I heard him knocking on the door. I mentally slapped myself for forgetting, jog to the door, and opened it for him. He welcomed me with an innocent, loving smile even though I already knew what was behind it.

"Hey Mia," He said as he pulled me in for a hug. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled away after a second or two.

"Hey Drake, how are you?" I immediately asked because I felt that he sensed my distance. As he should.

"I'm great honey, I'm hungry though." Honey. Psh. Where's your other honey? I quietly said to myself as I made my way to the kitchen to fix something. After rummaging through every cupboard and my refrigerator, I realized I have nothing to cook.

"I don't have anything here. Can we just order pizza?" I said to him as I saw him plopped on the sofa in my peripheral vision.

"That's fine honey. I'll call the pizza place, you just relax here." He grabbed the home phone and began to dial. I turned my back against him and sigh deeply as I feel my heart clench. I grabbed a glass of water and chugged on it.

I need to do something about this relationship before it becomes the death of me.

I have been keeping this in for a long time now and I cannot hold it any longer. This didn't just happen once. The thing I saw three weeks ago was the third time and I always forgive him, thinking he would change. I have had enough. After eating that pizza, I'm leaving his ass. He can go back to his honey if he wants to get his fill.

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