CHAPTER 3- Sixth Sense

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The softly lit candles throughout my apartment made it cozier in an attempt to break the monotonous white and gray walls. The television was softly filling the noise around the room as I turn on my stove to fix myself a well-deserved dinner that I have been wanting for a week now. I have been living on take-outs for way too long and I'm already feeling gross if I take one more look at a Chinese take-out box.

I hum a random tune as I pull out the ingredients from the pantry for a simple pasta dish. I also took the chicken out from the freezer to let it thaw. My phone started ringing as I was cutting up some garlic. I quickly washed my hands over the sink and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hello, my lovely daughter. How are you?" My mother greeted me and a smile immediately decorated my face. I haven't heard from her for a while now. My heart swelled with happiness as I heard her sweet voice again. I suddenly felt a pang of guilt when I realized that I haven't had the time to call her.

"Hey, mom! It's so great to hear from you again. I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to call you" I frowned as I said those words. "I've been very busy lately and Ace keeps giving me-"

"Shh baby don't worry, I totally understand." She cut off.

"How are you mom, are feeling okay?" I worriedly asked her. I didn't also have the chance to visit her for over six months. I terribly miss her and her amazing cooking. I'll never go hungry when mom makes the food. I just couldn't afford to fly out to Seattle with my tight schedule.

"I'm doing fine honey don't worry about me." She paused as I heard a faint cough when she tried to shy away the phone from her. I immediately panicked and clutched at the phone tighter.

"Mom. mom, are you seriously okay?" I demanded.

"I'm alright baby I'm serious." She said with a light chuckle. "Your Auntie Mary was just here seconds ago so don't worry, I'm well taken care of" She continued, trying to reassure me of her current state.

"Do you want me to fly out there? I can ask Ace to give me a leave" I felt my eyes welling up as I envision my mother living alone. I felt really guilty for putting my work first instead of her. I clutched my right hand on my chest and massaging it, trying to suppress the ache building up.

"You don't need to Mia. I know work is really hectic and I don't want to cause any more trouble." She replied. Her voice sounds weak, and I can tell that she's just trying to sugarcoat it and it's definitely not working.

"But mo-"

"No buts Mia. I was just calling to see if you're well and eating fine." She said. If only I can be with her right now. I sighed not only because I can feel her suffering, but because she's still worrying about me instead of her health.

"I'm doing well mom. Funny how you want to know how I'm eating since I've been living on take-out for weeks" I lightly joked just to break the tension happening inside my mind.

"Take-outs Mia? Why are you eating take-outs?" She said as she let out a disappointed sigh. "I thought you know how to cook?" she questioned.

"I do know mom, I just didn't have the time to do actual cooking," I said as I glance at the boiling water on the stove. "But fear not, I'm fixing my lovely dinner at this moment." I proudly said.

"You better eat some real food baby, I don't want to see you next time all thin and stressed okay?"

"Alright mom, I will," I said.

"I just wanted to check on you. Come visit me soon okay? I miss you darling" I think I can physically hear my heartbreaking as she said those words. There's no way I can explain how I miss her presence dearly. We only got each other to lean on so I don't know how I can live without her. Hell, I can't even comprehend how I can live alone in this apartment without her.

"I'll make sure to fly out before I take another project," I affirm her.

"Finish your dinner now dear. Call you soon. I love you. Bye." She said as she hung up the phone.

"I love you more, mom." I whispered to the static line.

I sighed heavily as I make my way into the kitchen to finish what I started. I cooked my dinner and ate alone. Jaz was supposed to join me on this lovely Sunday dinner but she had an urgent family emergency so I fully understand. She said that she will not be able to go to work this Monday until the rest of the week and left her pending revisions to Ashley and Mark. She fully trusts those two so she has no problem leaving it to them. However, since she will not be around, all of the future projects that are waiting for us this week will be handed and handled by me in the meantime.

I cleaned up in the kitchen, turned off the television, and decided to take a bath before going to bed. I made my way through my bedroom and into the bathroom, turning on the faucet to fill the tub with water. I lit some candles, grabbed a book from my nightstand, and relaxed for the time being.

As I was enveloped by the serene scene I have created, my thoughts started to drift to Drake and the wonderful sight I have seen three weeks ago. I have always told myself that no matter what happens I will never ever settle for less. I don't like being number two. The feeling doesn't sit right with me, so I always convince myself to be the best in everything that I do. But I think this is an exception, and possibly the most stupid decision I have ever made.

I already knew what was going on. I think I have a sixth sense that I can tell when someone's going to fuck up my life. When I got that painful pang in my chest, I knew it wasn't something nice. That sight I saw three weeks ago was priceless, and the fact that I just let it happen and didn't say anything just makes me a big of an ignorant than he is.

I decided to hop off the bath and get ready to sleep. I did my nightly routine; brushing my teeth, washing my face, and applying expensive and unnecessary products all over it. I can already tell that tomorrow is going to be one heck of a day. Thinking of the huge favor I'm asking off from Ace just added to the nerves, since I don't know how he will react once I ask him if he can give me the full credit for the designs of the Jones' future residence. Considering it's a big account, I hope he agrees with me to have the proper credit that is long overdue.

I changed into my nightwear, plopped on my soft bed and turned off the light from the nightstand and drifted off to Neverland.


a/n: I promise he's coming soon.

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