CHAPTER 47- Brink

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The heat radiating off of my body became morbidly cold when I felt her lips came in contact with mine. The unsettling feeling of having her flesh against me, something I had yearned for in the past, caused me to feel immense guilt and made me feel like I was cheating on Mia when I wasn't.

My eyes were wide open in shock, my body was frozen like the cold winter breeze that blew which rustled the surrounding trees. Everything went foggy for a second, including my sense of hearing.

I thought I heard a car screech but my mind was too disturbed to notice. I immediately pushed her away from me, covering my mouth with the back of my hand in pure disgust.

"What are you doing?" I yelled uncontrollably as she faced me looking like a wreck, with some of her mascara already running down her right cheek.

As I try to regain consciousness, somebody yelled my name to grab my attention and realized that it was Steven's voice.

If Steven is here, then he's home with Mia.

As I look to my right, my angel collapsed down on the brick pavement. From a distance, she looked even paler than this morning. I quickly rushed to her aid, trying to run without falling, and fell on my knees to wake her unconscious state.

"Michael!" Brooke called out.

"No! Stop right there. You've caused enough damage," I stopped her from coming towards me. "Steven, escort Ms. Shields out of this property, please. And call Bill," I hurriedly told Steven as he dashed towards Brooke's side, trying to persuade her to leave.

She looked at me with her devilish eyes and her stance is filled with anger.  But it changed to shame when she looked at Mia. She walked away freely and speed off towards her car, revving the engine, and drove away.

"Mia, wake up," I shakily uttered and shook her shoulders and lightly tapping on her cheeks to see any signs of movement. My body switched to panic mode when I received no response as I look at her lying lifeless on the ground. The color on her face slowly began to drain that promptly heightened my fright.

"Bill! Help! Anybody!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to alert any form of abled humans around the property. I attempted to wake her up once again but didn't succeed. My hopes fell flat on the ground when her left arm dangled on her side.

"No, no, no. Mia wake up!" I wailed onto her arms, hugging her tightly against my chest. I thought she just fainted, but my hunch told me that this is more than just blacking out.

There are no signs of breathing, no signs of motions, even no indication that her pulse is even beating when I put my two fingers on her right wrist.

Security around the perimeter of the house scurried at the scene including Bill. Janet came rushing towards me but stopped in her tracks just mere centimeters away when she saw our position on the cold, hard ground.

"Ready the car, Bill please," Janet spoke calmly yet all of them just stared at her cluelessly. She looked back at them bewildered when none of them was moving.

"Hurry!" she blatantly shouted and all of the security personnel began to rush towards different cars.

Keeping the faith alive, I still tried to get her to rouse as my eyes get blurry from the tears brimming over. "Mia, please. Wake up," I whispered as I pulled her close to me. Her hands began to feel cold as ice and her rosy lips lost their vibrant color.

With the adrenaline pumping through my blood, I carried her in my arms and ran towards the car that was parked a meter away from us. Bill quickly opened the door and Janet was already trailing behind me.

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