Chapter 14 - Human Moments

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Here's chapter 14. Hope you like it. Please remember to vote, comment, and fan if you do! Thank you. 

Oh, I believe we have survived the end of the world! What a joke.

Laters, baby! :D


I woke with a migraine, my head throbbing steadily as if it had been hit by a hammer, and my face felt stuffed, swollen. Something was amiss. Then I remembered; every painful image hitting me like a bag of bricks. The reality threatened to pull me under for half a second and I sat, frozen, almost giving in to it. But I stood up from the bed and pushed it all away. Not now. I needed a few human moments.

Not knowing exactly where I was going or what I’d do when I got there, I walked outside my room and into the hallway, surprised by the alluring aroma of fresh coffee and eggs. It drove me to the kitchen. 

He didn’t look at me but continued to pass the scrambled eggs from the pan and into a bowl with a wooden spoon. I watched him, every beautiful and dark asset of him as he performed one of the most simplest of tasks. He made it seem as if it was an otherworldly thing to place food into a plate. Hell, he made everything he did seem as such. Everything he did... My stomach knotted at the thought and something was trying to enter my head. Something I didn’t think I should let inside my mind. 

But when he did look up at me, there was no helping it. Our eyes met and his were a screen, displaying perfectly the events of last night as if it were a movie. I remembered everything, and the heat that surged throughout my body was overwhelming; a product of my embarrassment and arousal. I could feel the blood rush to my face and I wanted to hide away from him. He shouldn’t know... Yet I knew that Cisco was well aware of what I was thinking just with the slowly formed expression of his face. He didn’t smirk or snicker, no, he was too much of a gentleman for that. It would’ve been the perfect opportunity to let out his male pride, for he had easily noticed my discomfort just as he noticed everything else. I found myself wondering if I would ever be safe, emotionally and mentally safe, from a man that was trained to be two steps ahead of you. 

“How’d you sleep?” Cisco asked, keeping his manner simple. He didn’t suggest anything but seemed to actually want to know if I had slept okay.

“Well, thank you.” I said, looking at him with my unsteady eyes. Cisco could know perfectly how to control everything about himself and the world around him but I was not even close to mastering the art. I never would be. My personality lacked the efficiency it took to be in complete and utter control.

Cisco nodded at my response, not straying from his position or taking his eyes away from mine. I was left pondering over what to do next. There was nothing I could do but gaze in return; his eyes were my labyrinth and I would never seize to be amazed by them until I knew what was on his mind. And that would be never.

“Um, I’ll be right back.” I said, thankful to my burning bladder and the uncomfortable need to wash and rinse my mouth and teeth. I had forgotten to use the restroom, drawn to the sharp smell of coffee and disregarding the significant probability of bladder infections, so now I would use the need to my advantage and make a clean escape. I turned around and headed to the bathroom as nonchalantly as I could. Once inside, I took care of the bare necessities and tried to make my appearance as presentable as possible with just a hair brush and some water on my tired-looking face. 

Satisfied, I left the bathroom and started walking down the hall. 

My hand closed over the doorknob to my mom’s room and I opened it, quietly. I looked inside and my heart fell; inaudible tears began to slide down my cheeks; and my hands started to tremble. Everything I had tried to keep out when I awoke just moments ago had been subconsciously invited in. 

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