Chapter 6 - Always Hope

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Here's chapter six, lovelies! :D Sorry for the wait. ): I hope you enjoy it and if you do, please remember to vote, comment, and fan! It means the world to me. (: Thanks for reading. Laters, baby! :D <3


"You're such an embarrassing jerk!" I exclaimed, laughing as I got into the cab and I heard Cisco's answering chuckle. Once inside and seated, I told the cab driver the address.

"Embarrassing? No. Jerk? Maybe." He paused, his eyes gleaming. "And you're welcome." Cisco said smoothly as he got in beside me and took his seat, signaling the cab driver to start driving. I looked at him, a smirk on his face, and I furrowed my eyebrows in question.

"And why exactly am I thanking you?" I asked skeptically, making him chuckle huskily beside me.

"For bringing some life into that dreadfully boring photo shoot." Cisco answered, a haughty grin on his lips and eyes. I remembered the photo shoot and as much as I hated to admit it, he did just that. Cisco had me laughing, smiling, at his jokes and expressions during the photo shoot, causing the pictures to come out even better because I looked so... happy. Vincenzo was pleased.

"You're overly confident, you know that?" I said, shaking my head in amusement and disbelief.

Cisco smirked. "Confidence is attractive."

"Confidence, Cisco, not egotism." I said, slightly irritated which only made him laugh even more, his powerful chest rumbling from the action, and he looked so radiantly male that I found my heartbeat quickening, my pulse thudding rhythmically in my neck. I found myself staring, in awe, while my cheeks became flushed. How did he have this effect on me? Surely, I didn't affect him at all because now that he was settling from his laughter, he simply looked outside the window and forgot I was beside him. Stupid I was to feel hurt over such a thing but I did indeed feel a sharp pang of pain at the realization. Get over it, Mila. Don't stroke his ego unless you want it exploding in this cab, my subconscious jeered. I had to stop looking before he noticed me.

Needing a distraction and some relief, I set out to get it with light conversation, "I go running about three times a week in Central Park. Just thought I should let you know. It's okay if you don't want to exercise though, you can sit on a bench and wait." I said, my voice teasing, and the challenging grin on my face was the same. Cisco looked at me, his brow arching in amusement and disbelief.

"Oh no, mi amor. I'm running. And don't you for a second go thinking you'll outrun me with that pretty little ass of yours." Cisco said, grinning from ear to ear. Heart failure. That was what I'd have if he spoke in Spanish again. The two words had been like an erotic and sensual song that still had my heart leaping. Pretty little ass? Had he seriously said that? And most importantly, had he meant it?

I punched him, the gesture not even jostling him but then again I hadn't tried hurting him. "Pervert." I spat, rolling my eyes in disbelief but a smile outstretched onto my lips against my will. Cisco looked at me, our eyes meeting, and I noticed his were gleaming. He chuckled and threw me a wink, the gesture unnervingly sexy. Talk, Mila, talk.

"And I wasn't even thinking of outrunning you, idiot." I said, chuckling. I never even considered the possibility. Hell, I'd be bloody stupid if I did! A man of his size, strength, and power couldn't be outrun easily. Oh, and extra props for the bodyguard training.

"Good." He murmured, amused and pleased that I wasn't trying to defy his ego. With a final grin, he looked outside of the window into Manhattan.

Then we fell into silence for the rest of the journey. The silence, as usual, was tense, and set me on high alert. Every nerve ending of my body was aware that he was right there, occupying the space beside me. I could feel him, the heat his body gave off in both waves of comfort and nerve wracking sensuality. It wasn't that awkward silence that often fell between two people, causing unease and discomfort. It was the fact that it was such an affecting silence of heat and desiring tension, so bloody fantastic, that made me want to open the door and climb out even as the cab moved.

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