Chapter 12 - Autumn Photographs

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Happy Halloween, lovelies! That is, to those who celebrate the holiday. :D Anyway, here's a new chapter! Obviously. *eye roll* I really hope you enjoy it and let me know by the comments down below. Please fan and vote if you did indeed like it. Thank you. (:

Laters, baby! :D <3 


~Three Weeks Later~

I stared outside my bedroom window, overwhelmed by the change of colors that was autumn as it touched every inch of Central Park. It was a flawless cape of enchantment known as New York City in the fall.

Autumn was my mother’s favorite season. She loved the way the bright green leaves faded into the earthy tones of red, orange, and yellow. She thought the breezy chill of the wind as it cooled your bones was pure perfection, for it was not the teeth-shattering and freezing temperatures of winter. It was ‘just right’, she’d say. And now I was faced with the dilemma of bringing autumn to her as she lay sick in bed. I wanted to let her know that I , too, could see the magic she saw during this time; that my value for autumn was not solely based on my affections toward the limited seasonal release of pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks. 

As I searched my mind, inspiration hit. Pictures. Beautiful pictures of Central Park from up close. If my mom couldn’t see the park for herself then I’d bring it to her in a set of photographs from the vintage polaroid she had gotten me on my nineteenth birthday. They’d be ready for her to see on the spot. 

Driven with the feeling of determination and bright with inspiration, I went to my closet where I dressed sensibly in some autumn clothing consisting of a blouse and jeans, a coat, boots, and a scarf. All I had left to do was tell Cisco of my plans and hope he’d approve of them, otherwise the enlightened mood would dampen considerably. 

I walked out of my room and to the living room where I knew Cisco would be sprawled, cup of coffee in hand. But when I looked at the couch I saw that he was not indeed sprawled over it. Instead he, too, was involved in the art of looking out windows as I had been just a minute before. Autumn was infectious. Cisco stood by the window, sipping some coffee and looking too perfect for his own good. He wore a gray knit sweater that hugged his athletically fit form and added a hint of domesticity that had never been there when he wore his leather jacket and white t-shirt; he had seemed too rugged and lethal. The sweater was cut in a V shape at the neck that deliciously exhibited his collar bone and the sculpted muscles of his upper chest. Pants and simple pair of black boots completed the look. Even the simplicity of his clothing added to how raw and alluring Cisco was as a man.

It was almost sinful to watch him, as if I were baring witness to something too powerful; as if I were watching an exotic film. My face flushed at the thought and I forced myself to keep a natural facade. Cisco looked at me, knowing that I was present in the room and his deep, calm eyes were all I needed to be fully awake. 

“Good morning.” I greeted, needing the distraction. I could feel Cisco watching me, noting that I was wearing outdoor clothing and wondering what I had in mind. 

His lips slid upward in a half grin as he greeted me. “Morning.”

“It’s a beautiful day outside, isn’t it?” I said, walking to stand beside him and look out the same window. “Autumn is beautiful.” I added, more to myself than anyone, and looked out at the sidewalk, glowing with fallen leaves. People strolled gingerly down those sidewalks, marveling at the natural beauty around them.

“It is, in my opinion, the best season for New York.” Cisco said solemnly, his voice thick as honey and causing me to look away from the civilians toward him. He was watching me with those lazy eyes, weighing me down with their strength.

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