Chapter 27 - Gesture

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Here's chapter 27. I truly hope you enjoy it. And just as a warning, there are only a few updates left for TMB. I know, I am so sad. :'( I will truly miss it. If you enjoyed my writing and would like to read more of my work, I recommend you read When You Dare. Please vote and fan if you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to let me know what you thought of it. Thank you. (:


I had never felt more physically drained in my whole life. Fatigue was blurring my vision, causing my eyelids to drop incessantly over throbbing eyes. My stomach had seized growling, already seeming to notice that asking for food was hopeless; I hadn’t eaten since I left the apartment and I was certain there was no intention of feeding me or my lawyer. But the thirst was the worst. I felt limp, like I had been deprived of all my strength, and I wondered how long it would be until I was hallucinating, or worse, completely dehydrated. I hadn’t drunken anything the whole time I was here and it was beginning to take it’s toll on me.

I wasn’t sure the exact amount of time it’d been since I left the apartment but my rare glimpses outside of the storage container were giving me an idea. I was certain it’d been a few hours over a day since I had been taken. Since I had last seen Cisco. A tight knot formed at my stomach, both worry and longing taking over my mind. 

I wanted nothing but to have him find me, for I was certain he was searching everywhere he could for me, but I couldn’t bare the thought of him getting hurt in the process. Or anyone else for that matter, but Cisco... He couldn’t get hurt. 

A female cry for help had me brought out of my thoughts, my head snapping towards the sound that seemed to come right in front of us. 

Again I heard her. “Help me, please!” and then, “Leave me alone!” 

I froze where I sat, crouched into a corner with Mr. Benton dozing at my side. That was Delilah. Cisco was here. 

Dread pooled in my belly, but a feeling of hope managed to form in my heart. 

Bright light caught my eyes with force and I squinted from the unexpected halo. They had opened the container. 

“I’m going to see what’s up,” one man, the one who’d been referred to as Moises, held open the door and looked toward his partner. “Stay in here and watch them. I won’t be long.” He cocked his gun and left, closing the crate behind him. 

I almost screamed for him to stop, knowing Dee -and Cisco- were out there. But I couldn’t mess this up, not if I wanted our survival. Cisco and Delilah had probably planned this as thoroughly as they could and if I steered clear from their path, they had more chances of succeeding. 

With my heart in my throat, I waited. Hours seemed to drag by when it had been nothing more than minutes, and the other man who stood erect by the crate’s door, Neil, was beginning to grow impatient. 

“Hell’s taking so long?” he spat to himself. Neil cocked his gun and opened the crate, peering his head a good distance outside before turning to look me in the eye.

My heart stopped.

He looked away from, a glint in his eye, and pointed his gun. Then aimed fire a single time. 

I gasped, rising to my knees and crawling to Mr. Benton. Blood stained his filthy white shirt and his head lolled awkwardly to the side, rattled by the impact of the bullet who penetrated his navel.

“No, no, no,” I whispered, moving to take off his shirt from him. If only I could apply some pressure to the wound-

Laughter came from behind me, causing my hairs to stick on end. “Oh, no you don’t. He’s going to die, Milani, and you won’t get to help him,” the man taunted, his voice closer by the second. I felt his breath on my ear, stopping me cold. “So don’t even try,” he whispered.

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