All. But. One

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I WATCH DANIEL CHAT A LITTLE WITH AM as we all wait for Harp

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I WATCH DANIEL CHAT A LITTLE WITH AM as we all wait for Harp. He's asking her more detailed questions about the girl who kissed me and I had kissed back only hours ago... and I'm not liking it. Harp had told me this guy wasn't serious but he's been actively pursuing her this whole night. He hasn't offered to get her anything and didn't even pay for the lanes.

"She really likes to eat huh?" Craig asks.

Emily scoots close to me and we watch Am snap her striking fierce eyes at Craig. "Is that a problem?"

Craig shrugs his shoulders and holds up his hands. "I was only making an observation. I mean she is a thicker girl."

I clench my teeth. Is this guy insinuating that Harp is fat?

I go to say something but Daniel steps in. "Craig, seriously, watch it."

Craig chuckles, "I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Chunky just isn't my type. You're more mine." He points to Am and she seethes.

Jackie jumps up. "He's not good with words."

Am flicks her sleek blonde hair back in defiance. "Let me get this straight. You think the best way to flirt with me is to mock my best friend?"

Craig swallows and jerks his thumb toward the bathroom. "I've got to go take a leak."

Daniel pats his friend on the back. "Better get going then."

The idiot leaves and I get up to stroll over to Daniel. "Your friend has a big mouth."

Daniel gives a deep sigh. "He's a good guy just an idiot sometimes."

I shove my hands deep in my jean pockets. "If he keeps it up we'll be having a problem."

He gives me a dirty look. "Is that a threat officer? He's my friend."

"Harp's mine and no one talks bad about her."

He turns his body to me. "Is she? A friend?"

I don't answer him and smack him with a different response. "For someone not really serious you're awfully interested."

He shifts on his feet. "I honestly wasn't and then I saw her. How can I not be interested? Plus, her personality is cute. She's not what I was expecting."

My arms tense. Then I saw her. How can I not be interested? I glance at the guy and size him up. He's probably nice but the moment Harp's lips touched mine there was no way I was going to hand her over to anyone else. At the thought of the kiss my neck muscles stress and I rub it.

"I told you to let go!"

My head instantly snaps up to see Harp with the asshat from earlier. She has his arm in a hold i know all to well. The one where an arm is about to be broken and maybe a wrist. I try to stay calm but the only thing I can sense, feel or know is anger. I don't even remember how I got to them. All I know is that this guy needs get away from her now. I crouch down, grab his collar and tug him out of Harp's perfect hold, making that tree trunk of a neck of his snap back.

...And He's Back (Book One, Breaking Open Series)Where stories live. Discover now