Sneak Attack!

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TODAY IS ONE OF MY MUCH-NEEDED DAYS OFF, and of course, I will be spending it with my parents

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TODAY IS ONE OF MY MUCH-NEEDED DAYS OFF, and of course, I will be spending it with my parents. I park right in front of the garage and jump out of my car with a bouquet of my mom's favorite flowers, tulips and irises. I toss up the signed baseball of my dad's favorite team and catch it smiling. I jog to the side door and throw it open barreling into my home. The smell of cookies baking in the oven brings me back to easier times.

"Mom, dad, I bring gifts." I speak to no one.

The house is quiet until I hear laughter coming from the kitchen. I stride over to the sound to see my mom and dad dancing together. This isn't a surprising thing to come home too, my parents are insanely in love. But what is surprising is seeing Harp perched on the counter eating a massive sugar cookie watching the two, smiling. My dad spins my mom and she laughs lightly as she let's go of his hand to open the oven door and turns it off.

The sweet sugary aroma hits my nostrils that flare in delight. Harp swings her legs back and forth still sitting on the counter as my dad tries to beckon her to dance with him.

"I'm sorry Mr. Samuels but I'm a terrible dancer. I'll crush your feet."

Dad chuckles, "Nonsense Harp, I've tried getting you to dance with me for years. Isn't it time to relinquish to this old man."

Harp gives a loud, but hypnotizing laugh and I watch as those eyes speak volumes about her happiness right now. "How about next week. I promise I'll dance with you then."

My mom wiggles her spatula at Harp. "He's going to hold you to it Harp."

Harp shifts a little on the counter and I chuckle. If I was on the counter my mother would've slapped me in the face with that spatula... but not Harp. My mom has always adored Harp and sees her as a daughter.

I loudly clear my throat as I fully walk into the kitchen. "I'd say I'd dance with you dad but that might be a little awkward don't ya think?"

Dad's roaring laughter fills the air as he comes up giving me a hard hug. "How's work going since we last saw you."

"Good." I say as I throw him the baseball. "Told you I got it for you, just forgot it the last time I came."

Dad turns the ball in his fingers and I notice that they've gotten thinner since I saw him a week ago. Mom comes right into view giving me a massive bear hug and kissing my face repeatedly. "I'm so happy you're officially home. How's the new house? You better invite us over soon, I heard Matt has already been there."

I nod at my tiny mother. She's in jeans and a t-shirt and her brown hair with light grey wisps is in a neat bun. She's so different from Momma Collins, but still a beauty in her own right. My dad is a burly man and makes my mother seem even smaller when he's next to her. I'm pretty much an exact replica of him.

"I got these for you." I hand her the bouquet and she smacks my shoulder in happiness.

"That's my boy." She takes them and opens a cabinet door right next to Harp and without even having to ask, Harp reaches up and brings down the bright blue vase for my mom.

...And He's Back (Book One, Breaking Open Series)Where stories live. Discover now