Spirits Of Music

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Melodia's POV

We arrive at the volcano or should I say Volcano Rock City as the Hard Rock trolls named it. Aragona then starts climbing up the side of it. I lean really close to Aragona's neck; almost like I am laying down. Clutching the teal egg close to my chest and near Aragona's neck. That's when I notice that the blimp was hovering nearby in the sky with the bounty hunters it. When Aragona and I reach the top; we see Barb cable tie flying around the stage with a guitar that has the six music strings. Then I suddenly realised why Barb wanted the strings and a sinking feeling settles into my heart. Watching as Barb plays the power chord; the beam shoots of at Quincy, Essence, Trollzart, Delta and Trollex. Turning them into rock troll zombies and I have tears streaming down my cheeks.

When Aragona is stable; I quickly place the teal egg down securely in the saddles side pouch. I also put the four trollings on her back and tell them "Please stay here little one's, no matter what happens stay with Aragona." They nod with wide eyes and frightened faces full of fear. I then look at Aragona who started to whine when she realised what I am about to do. Sighing softly as I stare Aragona in the eyes and say "Please protect them Aragona, keep them safe and what ever you do don't interfere with what is about to take place." She nods; even though she hates what I am about to do. Giving the little one's each a kiss on their heads.

Standing up and I then teleport in front of Barb. I grab the guitar out of her hands then fly up out of her reach. Barb growls at me and demands "Give me that back right now." I play a classical chord while aiming at Trollzart and then play a country chord for Delta. A funk chord for Quincy and Essence and a techno chord for Trollex. Last I play a pop chord while aiming at Branch. They all return to normal; Barb is pissed and shouts "Give me back my guitar now." I look at Barb then say "Sure." Opening up the guitar; I take the six music strings out. I then throw the stringless guitar in Barbs direction; she catches it.

Barb then screams at me "Give me back my strings!" That's when I snap at her; shifting to my Knightmare form. Using my more icy, stone cold voice "Why praytell should I allow you to DESTROY all other music except for Rock. Do tell me Barbara; I would Love to know." I calmly watch her with my now cold dead eyes. She freezes in place; staring at me in terror and whispers in fear "Y-y-yo-ou-u." I continue to watch her as the six stings return to their original colours. Barb then whispers loud enough for the crowd to hear her "Queen Terror of the Knightmare trolls..." Every trolls eyes widen in shock and realisation, except for the Techno trolls and Harmonia trolls. I roll my eyes at her statement; reaching up to my hair. Removing a pure white glowing string from my now black spongy hair band.

All the other trolls looked shocked that there is one other music string. When it waved in the slight breeze it creates a beautiful melodic noise. The sound is that of all six in perfect harmony. I see Trollex in the corner of my eye trying to get my attention. So I slowly flutter my way over to him; landing softly in front of him. He walks up to me on his fins and takes my hand. Softly he whispers "Melodia. My sweet songstress." He sounds a little heartbroken; that's when Aragona then lands next to us with the little one's and the egg. Modias, Technia and Lumina launch themselves at me and Trollex places his forehead against mine. I sigh; closing my eyes and allow my colours to shift back to normal.

Opening my eyes again and pulling back from Trollex. I then look at the seven music strings in my hand. Then back up to Trollex and whisper "Thank you." Trollex smiles his goofy smile with love shining in his eyes. The three trollings see this as the perfect moment to latch onto him. He stumbles around for a few moments before getting his bearings and I smirk at this; trying not to laugh. I know how to keep the strings safe, but I'm not sure the other leaders will understand. Aragona then rears back; letting out a single smooth, melody like trilling roar. A very similar sound is sung back to her; with six more following it but each one a little different. That's when seven glowing spirit like beings appear out of thin air and land in front of me.

The snow white one then asks in a very melodic voice "Why have you asked for us old friends?" I then speak up to her "I ask that you; Origin and your kin take the seven music strings back and unite with them once more

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The snow white one then asks in a very melodic voice "Why have you asked for us old friends?" I then speak up to her "I ask that you; Origin and your kin take the seven music strings back and unite with them once more. Before you all gave them up to the trolls more than a few thousand years ago." She walks slowly over to me; lowering her head to stare me in the eyes. Origin then replies "You do know that when we Spirits have united with them; that you will never be able to get them back... Is this truely what you wish for Melodia?" I stare Origin in the eyes and state "If it means that we keep our music and helps to put an end to other trolls wanting to destroy all other music except their own. Then yes. Though you and your kin deserve to be whole once more."

Original then looks to the other trolls leaders and asks "Do you accept what my dear friend here; Melodia is proposing?" Trollex places his hand on my shoulder and looks Origin in the face while stating "Yes, I do. But you also deserve to be whole. No one should have to give up who they are within their hearts." Poppy, Delta, Trollzart, Quincy and Essence all nod as well to what Trollex said. Origin then nods in acceptance; she sends out a glowing white tendril that collects the seven music strings. She turns to her kin and says "Aquamarine (She grabs the Techno music string wish her teal coloured tendril), Rhodonite (He grabs the Pop music string wish his pink coloured tendril), Amethyst (She grabs the Funk music string wish her purple coloured tendril), Peridot (She grabs the Classical music string wish her yellow coloured tendril), Topaz (He grabs the Country music string wish his orange coloured tendril), Carnelion (She grabs the Rock music string wish her red coloured tendril)."

That leaves Origin holding the music string of Harmony. They then all burst into flames of their colouring. When the flames calm down to nothing; we see them standing their with glowing pixel hearts of their music string colours. They all have gorgeous patterns that glow in pulsing waves; the same colour as the music strings as well. Except Origin whose pixel heart and markings are glowing in multi-changing colours. Origin then lifts her head and let's out the sound the Harmony string makes. The other six follow her lead and join in perfect harmony. They start singing (trilling) a song of their ancestors in their preferred music. All trolls can hear their happiness and joy in their perfect melody like song. Some trolls have tears while others just soaked up the lovely music. I then turn to look at Trollex and give him a kiss. Which catches him off guard for a second, but he quickly responds to it.

We break apart; staring into eachothers eyes and that's when the other troll tribe leaders come up to us. Delta then asks "How do you know these Spirits Melodia?" I look at Delta, Quincy, Essence, Trollzart and Poppy. Sighing softly as I answer her "When I was only a year old at the time... I was chased by an Illushifter deep into the Forbidden Forest or as my tribe call it; the Wild Woods. Some how I managed to lose the Illushifter, but I also lost myself in there. I searched for a way out yet found none... Until I came across Origin; she was injured real bad. I couldn't leave her to perish so I stayed with her; helping her to heal. That was also how I met her kids; Aquamarine, Rhodonite, Amethyst, Peridot, Topaz and Carnelion. They were very shy at the time, but when they helped me back to my home. The whole tribe thanked them; we threw a rave for them of all music and they loved it so much that they kept on visiting. At that point their confidence built up and they came out of their shy shells."

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