🍎 Ch.22

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Th-that shocked me…!!" Ace gasped

" He wasn’t there a while ago!" Deuce shrieked.

Y/n slowly tried to hide behind Leona, who didn't really seem to mind as he sat up straight to block her from Rooks view.

" Hahaha, did I shock you? Pardon. It has always been an old habit of mine to try and mask my footsteps. I am Rook Hunt. My entire life’s motto is to aim for beauty and to protect it. A Hunter of Love, as I would like to put it. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Rook smiled.

" Tsk… There’s the weirdo…" Leona groaned, just loud enough for Y/n to hear. But Rook heard him.

" Goodness me, if it isn’t the Beastly Gentleman. It is lunch break so pray, where is Monsieur Dandelion?" Rook asked.

" He has his own classes to attend. Just take those herbivores with you and get out of my sight," Leona growled as he pointed to the Heartslabyul boys and Grimm.

"Monsieur Dandelion…?" Deuce asked.

" Fufufu~ Why, it is none other than our Beastly Gentleman’s one and only confidant Ruggie-kun," Rook chuckled.

" But why a dandelion? Is it because his hair is yellow and fluffy?" Grimm asked.

" Non-non, it is much more complex than that. Yes, I remember it vividly—It was around the time that the spring was blowing its gentle breath around the school last year," Rook explained.


[LOCATION: Sports Field]

RUGGIE: Alright, this should be more than enough. I have to get these back before they start wilting.

ROOK: Bonjour, Monsieur!

RUGGIE: Wha—?! Who are you!?

ROOK: Pardon my rudeness. I am Rook Hunt from Pomefiore. I saw you doing something rather interesting, so I called out to you.

RUGGIE: Interesting… I was just plucking some dandelions.

ROOK: And what do you plan to do with all of those dandelions?

RUGGIE: I’m gonna eat them, what else?

ROOK: Come again?!

RUGGIE: Dandelions can be used in salads, they can be boiled and turned into tea. And they grow everywhere, too! It’s a real blessing for poor people like me. Well, it’s not like pompous rich people like you will ever understand.My food allowance is in trouble, so I just had to do something. That’s the story. I don’t really have time to deal with you, so please leave me be.


" And there you have it! To him, dandelions were not merely flowers, but also something that could sustain his life. Thus, I refer to him as Monsieur Dandelion," Rook smiled.

" Ruggie-senpai ate dandelions?! Wait, aren’t you insulting him then?!" Ace asked.

" That guy’s really fine with anything, huh… Has he been feeding me that stuff, too…?" Leona asked.

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