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"A new adventure huh?" Y/n mumbled.

The snow had fallen in Twisted wonderland, and Amizar opened up a large hollow at the top of the trunk with the petals covering the entrance to keep in the heat. Amizar hummed lowly to wake up his mistress.

"Is it morning already?" Y/n asked sleepily.

Amizar parted its branches to reveal the snowy day as the cool air entering the hollow. With a sigh, she lowered herself to the ground and entered the dorm to get ready for another school day. As she looked down at her hands, the curse had gone from her fingers to her wrists. Y/n looked down at her tar-colored hands as dread filled her heart, but Y/n sighed and tried to distract herself from her possible future.

Apparently, around this time of year was what everyone called a holiday. Y/n learned it was a time where people could return home for an extended amount of time to relax and rest. Spend time with family and celebrate... It sounded lovely, as Y/n heard more ad more about Holidays. She couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness slowly drape over her as she watched all the students leave one by one.

"Everyone, please hold on tightly to your belongings after you've told the Mirror your destination. If you let them go halfway, your bags might end up going somewhere else, understood? Those who are not confident, please feel free to leave them at the school store to be mailed to you," Mr.Crowley said in such a strange yellow attire.

"A beach shirt in the middle of winter!? He's totally goin' south, dude!" Ace gawked.

"He's definitely not hiding his excitement, huh," Deuce sighed.

"Hey, Headmaster! We gotta bone to pick with you!" Grimm called out.

"Oh, my? What are you all doing gathered here?" Crowley asked.

"Have you thought about how the cafeteria will be operating during this holiday, or have you researched how to get back to my world?" Y/n asked with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"Ah...! Ah~~!! How to get you back to your world, was it? Ahaha, goodness! I'm researching properly, you know? I thought of expanding my knowledge in the southern regions during this winter break, you see? I am very serious, after all," Crowley said as he looked everywhere but Y/n.

"You look like you're ready to have fun anytime!" Grimm called him out.

Y/n sighed as all the hope in her eyes vanished and was replaced with sad disappointment. She was suddenly pulled out of her wallowing when a strange device was shoved into her gloved hands.

"Oh, it's a phone," Ace said.

"What do I do with it?" Y/n asked as she held it by her thumb and pointer finger.

"If there is an emergency, please contact me using that phone. This is only to be used for emergencies, so be careful not to take a lot of pictures with it, understood? Now then, I still have to oversee the students on their way home, so I shall leave the rest to the both of you. That's right, I should check the sightseeing pamphlets before I go visit the islands. Oh, how busy I am~," Crowley said as he left quickly.

The cherry Flower Witch (Twisted wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now