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"Already!? It can't be helped, then. I'll get some money from the safe, so please go buy some more ingredients at the shop...Hm...? Ah! I-it's not here...! The safe's key isn't here! Don't tell me... It can't be...!" Azul gasped in shock, as he tried to find his keys.

He quickly ran back to his VIP lounge in search of his keys.

"Heya, octopus bastard," Leona smirked.

"Leona Kingscholar...!" Azul gasped.

"What's wrong? You're always so calm, but you look so flustered right now," Leona teased the shocked boy.

"That has got nothing to do with you. More importantly, why are you here?" Azul demanded.

"Why, you ask... This key is yours, ain't it? I picked it up outside. Since I figured it could be yours, I came here to return it," Leona said matter of factly.

"Th-that's...!" Azul gasped.

"Oh, so it is yours?"

"Give it back. This is a serious breach of privacy, you know!?" Azul said with a slightly panicked tone.

"Hah! You're treating me like a thief when I came here to return it out of kindness? Okay, then. I'll give it back. Here," Leona said as he tossed Azul his keys, " That's what I came here for, so see ya,"

Leona smirked as he left the office, only till the door click, Azul began to panic.

"Th-the contracts are...! Are they still-!? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not here... Not here, not here, not here!! The contracts aren't there!! Did that bastard take them...!?" Azul growled.

"Shishishi! We managed to snatch this easily ~," Ruggie chuckled.

"Hmph, those quick hands of yours can be scary, Yuu," Leona smirked.

Yuu nodded as they handed the contracts over to Leona with a cute smile.

"He's gotta have a lock on his pocket if he didn't want the key to be taken so easily. Still, there are a lot of contracts. I think there's like, 5-600 of these," Ruggie awed.

"He's been testing a lot of things here and there with those contracts ever since he got here, you know? We've taken the contracts out of the VIP Room. All that's left is... "I am starvation, I am thirst. Your future I will steal and..." Leona chanted.

As Leona focused his magic Yuu's cat ears flicked at the sound of fast-approaching footsteps.

"Stop right there!!" Azul Shouted.

"Oh, he's already here. Don't come any closer. I don't give a damn what happens to these contracts," Leona threatened.

"G-give them back... Please give them back!" Azul begged.

"Hey, hey, fix yourself a little bit. Or are you done playing Mr. Perfect? Judging by your appearance, it seems like that guy's hunch was correct," Leona smirked at the shaken boy.

"I see now. It's common sense to keep important things in a safe, so I didn't even question his logic. I guess the lifestyle of a sheltered prince who has zero experience with poverty can be helpful, too~," Ruggie smiled.

The cherry Flower Witch (Twisted wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now