Fairy Gala Pt.3

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On the day of the party and everyone was slightly nervous as they made their way to the garden.

" This cloth, how do I wear them again?" Kalim asked.

" Give it. You put it around your shoulder... there," Jamil said as he helped Kalim.

" I get nervous... no, restless wearing this expensive clothing," Ruggie commented.

" You'll look used to it if you act proud. Don't fidget so much," Leona said.

" Everyone's shining so brightly!" Grimm said.

" It's thanks to the embroidery, also the fairy powder on us," Jamil said.

" Everyone looks good," Y/n smiled in her fairy form.

" You too... not bad for a herbivore," Leona smirked as he held out his palm for y/n to perch on.

" Yeah. You look like a real fairy and you don't have to worry about the dust washing off," Jamil smiled.

"Are you ready, everyone? There's no use for those harsh training if you slip up in the end. Look at the mirror and check your make up. At first, I didn't know what'll happen to your potatoes, but...You look good today," Vil said as his eyes landed on Y/n.

" V-...... Vil-sensei〜〜〜! It's thanks to you that I could dance. I'll work hard on the stage!" Kalim said.

"Don't forget the real mission. Your mission is to steal back the stolen magic stone. If you can't get back the stolen magic stone, the school won't be in peace. Listen, the runway is a battlefield. Steal both attention and the tiara with your best performance!" Vil said sternly.

Y/n and her fairy friends flew ahead as Ora held the crown gift close to her, bringing it just in case something went wrong.

" The venue of the Fairy Gala is here, the Botanical Garden. We will meet only fairies in there. We mustn't let anyone know that we're humans. Pay attention and be careful. Especially...Hmm? ...Hey, where's Kalim!?" Jamil gasped as he looked around.

 " Eh? ...now that I look around, he's not here!" Ruggie shouted.

" That bastard, he went astray so quickly," Leona growled.

" Hey, everyone!" Kalim called out.

" Kalim! Don't walk away on your own. Good grief... you sure don't feel nervous," Jamil asked.

" There's a problem. Please help me for a bit!" Kalim called.

Everyone looked at each other before running over to Kalim's location.

"...so, what is it?" Jamil asked.

" Here! Look at this one," Kalim said as he looked down at a tiny figure.

" Clink... clink...," Craft Fairy groaned.

" Whoa!! A palm-sized human is crouching on the side of the road!" Grimm stated.

" It has transparent wings... is that a fairy?" Ruggie said.

Craft Fairy : Clink... clink...

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