The first film: Seokjin

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Stuck with a stranger

Seokjin sighed heavily as he leaned against the back of the elevator. It was a busy day and he was ready to go up to his apartment and get ready for bed. He was all the way on the top floor, so the elevator was taking awhile to go up from the underground parking lot. The elevator stopped at the first floor, the doors opening to reveal a girl who wore a fitting light pink dress and a black jacket. Sniffling can be heard as she pressed a button and leaned against the side near the floor panels.

Seokjin glanced at the girl with a frown, watching as her shoulders shook a little. He tried to ignore the obvious sniffling that came from her and settled on looking up at the screen that showed what floor they were currently on. The elevator made a few loud screeches as it went higher into the building before it came to a jolting stop on the eighth floor,  about five floors under Seokjin's floor.

The girl did a small startled gasp, gripping onto the railing when it came to a stop. She looked at the man with confusion before turning back to the panel. She tried pressing all the buttons, but the elevator wouldn't move anywhere.

"Here let me try..." Seokjin said softly, poking at the buttons. "They're not working... Let me just call the front office..." Seokjin grabbed his phone and frowned, moving his arm around. "There's no service. We're stuck here..."

The girl's eyes widened, her mouth opening a little. "We're stuck? What if they don't know that we're stuck here? What if no one realizes that people are in here? What if-"

Seokjin gently placed his hands on the girls shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Hey it's okay. Deep breathes," Seokjin said softly, rubbing her arms in an attempt to calm her down. She didn't even realize that she was struggling to breathe. "We'll be okay. We just need to wait for a little. My name's Seokjin."

"I'm Lexi... Thank you for calming me down..." Lexi sniffled slightly, wiping her face in an attempt to clean it up from crying. "I'm sorry I'm such a m-mess. I'm just really stressed right now..."

Seokjin offered the girl a kind smile, rubbing his thumb underneath her eyes to get the tears to stop. "It's okay. We're in this together." Seokjin smiled softly, nodding his head.

Lexi blushed as he touched her face, feeling his slightly cold fingers against her warm cheeks. She looked up at Seokjin through her eyelashes, sniffling slightly as she tried to offer him a weak smile. "Thank you..." She said quietly, getting a bit lost in his chocolate brown eyes. He had such a handsome face and his kindness was attractive.

It really was hard to look away from Seokjin. The lighting in the elevator made him almost glow. I nearly forgot about the fact that we were doing a porno and not some cheesy romance movie.

Seokjin looked away after a bit and stepped back, pulling at his collar as the elevator grew a little warm. "I-I guess we should just sit down until someone notices the elevator stopped..." He pulled off his outer jacket, feeling the girl's eyes on his back and he placed it on the ground. "Take a seat. Your dress won't get dirty..." Seokjin sat down next to his jacket, not caring about the possibility of the ground being unhygienic.

Lexi sat down next to Seokjin, pulling her dress a little to cover her thighs. She zipped up the black jacket over her chest.  She frowned a bit as the temperature slowly got warm in the elevator. "I guess the air conditioner is also down..." Lexi said as she decided to take her jacket off, laying it down next to her.

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