The Seventh Film: Jimin

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Because of Yoongi, I took a good few days off of work. I stayed in my little room with nothing but Netflix playing on my computer and am assortment of junk food stocked up. Sapphire allowed me to bring in a small stove and gas tank, allowing me to cook my own food up in my room instead of having to go all the way down to the company's cafeteria all the time. It's not that the food was bad down there or anything, it's just that I preferred slobbering over my food by myself.

After the few days off, I began doing the self cams and streams. My channel was getting more and more viewers, mostly of the males variety with the occasional girl viewer in the comments. Those were always fun to see.

A week has passed and it was time for me to have my weekly report with Sapphire and Mister Bang, who became my unofficial co-manager. I went up to his office with Sapphire, listening to her talk about her private life and all the things happening with her. "I was really thinking of painting my nursery room purple and pink. I mean I don't know the baby's gender yet but I'm sure that even if it's a boy, he won't mind right??" Sapphire excitedly babbled inside the elevator. She recently told me that she was pregnant, only about a month into the pregnancy. She was just barely showing a small bump. I was beyond happy and excited, I always loved children.

"Aww those colors are nice Saph," I said, giggling softly at how excited she was. "And who knows, maybe you might have more than one baby. Could be twins~" I giggled playfully, wrapping my arm around her waist as the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Like a protective mother, I guided Sapphire off the elevator whilst she half heatedly protested.

When we got to the office, I bowed at Mister Bang and sat down at a chair, watching as Sapphire sat down across from me. "Good morning sir!" I chirped happily.

The pudgy man smiled at my enthusiasm, his eyes disappearing behind his glasses. "Good morning Lexi. Are you ready to hear about your report?"

I nodded my head excitedly, always so happy to see the results of my work. While you'd think that being a porn star is just sex on a video, to me, it turned into a career that I am starting to see myself fully embrace. The managers and staff here were kind and caring, some(*couch* Mister Bang and Sapphire *cough cough*) more smothering than the rest. The actors were amazing and friendly people. From my few months of working here, everyone treated everyone like they were friends and they welcomed me in with open arms. The fan base that actually subscribed and were regulars(yes I can see you guys on every single one of my videos) were amazing and the most caring crowd of people. Pornhub even had a joint live streaming platform for not porno related streams, and my fans still followed me in there to watch me decorate my studio and game or watch me tour around.

But anyways, Mister Bang pulled his laptop off of his desk and placed it on the coffee table between us, leaning the screen towards me to show me the charts and stats. "This is from the other streaming stuff, TheHub. You are slowly gaining the same amount of subscribers as your pornhub account. Most of them are using the same emails and account names as their pornhub account, so they are your regulars."

"You're gaining your own little fan base sweetie." Sapphire said excitedly, clapping her hands happily. She was like an otter, clapping her dainty hands together.

Mister Bang hummed softly with a nod. "Yep. They seem to really like your art and decorating videos. Videos of you eating aren't as popular but there are a good few comments in those videos about suggesting restaurants and foods to try out. Do you wanna open up the video request function on TheHub?"

TheHub was the non-porn based streaming platform that pornhub recently launched. It worked kinda like Twitch or Vlive, but for pornhub account users. Anyone from pornhub actors to regular pornhub users can go on Livestream and do a video. They can see live comments and respond to fans. TheHub is more strict and moderated about content that someone can post. So nothing sexual, harmful, or hurtful. I made my Hub account a few days after my film with Jungkook, and my first video was me taking a tour around the building again. The next videos were of me decorating my studio and then some Q&A's. The video request function was where subscribers who actually pay for your content and suggest a video theme or what they wanna see you do more of. That money goes directly to my bank account too.

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