The second film: Hoseok

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A couple weeks after the video with Seokjin blew up on Pornhub, Mr. Bang asked for me again. I've been doing mostly live streams of me masturbating and they were slowly gaining popularity. But I still wanted to do more porn videos with partners.

Mr. Bang approached me one day before I began my live stream. He didn't really care that I was only in my bra and booty shorts, no panties underneath. "Ms. Chow? Are you gonna go live right now, or can I have a moment of your time?" He asked me, not even looking at my body.

I was just about to go into a room so I let go of the doorknob and shook my head, smiling politely. "I was just gonna set up. I just got here. What do you need sir??" I asked, moving hair into the front to hide my chest a little.

Mr. Bang sighed in relief before gently grabbing my hand. "As you know, I'm a manager for the seven elites??" I nodded in understanding when he looked at me. "Well, Mr. Jung Hoseok is losing ratings slowly. And since it seems like you're a popular rising star, I want him to do a video with you. Can you please do a video with him? It doesn't have to be anything with a plot or anything extreme. Just take him with you."

He guided me towards a room, the door open. Inside was Hoseok, an apologetic smile on as he looked at me. I smiled at him, nodding my head as I looked at the handsome man. "That's fine sir. We can do a video."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" Hoseok said cheerfully, walking towards me quickly. He wrapped his arms around me, surprising me at the sudden physical contact. "Thank you so much. I hope I'm not intruding on you or getting in your way Lexi-shi." Hoseok smiled at me, his lips stretched to form a heart shape.

He was so cheerful and happy that it was contagious; I smiled back at him and nodded, hugging him back. "It's fine Hoseok. We can do any video you want. You got any ideas??"

Hoseok nodded with a small, shy smile. His cheeks were getting a bit red. "Y-yeah. I have one idea in mind...."

Drunk and sleepy sex with bf

Hobi came home staggering, laughing a little. "Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear hobi~ Happy birthday to me!!" Hoseok screeched at the top of his lungs. "Babe~ Babe~! BABE!"

Lexi giggled as she watched her drunk boyfriend stumble into their bedroom. She was holding his waist, guiding him towards the bed. She was tipsy; not quite as drunk as her cheerful boyfriend, but drunk enough to be giggly and silly. Lexi was the silly drunk, who would go out into the streets screeching and dancing at random.

Hoseok was as equally as chaotic when drunk. Hobi would run around playing tag with Lexi and his friends, or he would dance in public places. Sometimes he'll even end up cuddled up to Lexi or his friend, or he'll try to hug random animals or people in public.

Hoseok whined softly and began placing sloppy kisses in Lexi's neck, clinging onto the giggly girl. "Babe~ I want to play!" Hoseok said loudly, his words slurring. He pressed himself against Lexi, letting her feel his hardened length against her thigh. Also, Hoseok was the horny drunk sometimes.

Lexi moaned at the kisses, wrapping her arms around Hoseok's neck. She was feeling equally as frisky as her boyfriend. Lexi pushed Hoseok onto the bed, giggling as he flopped onto his back. Lexi climbed into his lap, gazing down at him through slightly blurry eyes.

Hoseok wore a Lacoste hoodie and grey jogger pants, his black boxers peaking out where his hoody rode up. Hoseok wasn't tall enough to reach the pillows, so he giggled and reached up, clumsily pulling one of the pillows towards him and placing it under his head. He gazed up at his beautiful girlfriend, his drunken mind swirling a little. "You're sitting on my dick babe~" Hoseok whined, flexing his hips up a little.

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