The sixth film: Yoongi

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Mr. Bang and my manager called me in the next day after me and Namjoon released our video. Usually it'll take a few days before Sapphire or Mr. Bang calls for us after a video release to talk about how much views and likes are accumulating. The fact that it was only me who was called in made me nervous. Did I do something wrong? From what I heard from Mark and the other actors, being called right after a film isn't really a good sign. Maybe I'm in a scandal... Or they are letting me go for some unknown reason. I need this job, I thought to myself, nervously wringing my hands together. I can't self produce my own porn videos at home. I don't have people I know who would even wanna have sex with me. Fuck, I don't even have a home yet... I'm still living in my car in Pornhub's parking lot.

And yes, technically I use my studios couch and bed to sleep in. But since those rooms are small and isn't exactly fit for permanent residency, all of my belongings are stuffed in my car. Mr. Bang and the other higher ups know about my situation and are generous enough to keep me in the property after the building locks up. Maybe they grew sick of me already...

I sighed heavily and scratched my cheek before knocking on Mr. Bangs door, staring down at my feet. I felt like I was a child being called in by her parents because I did something wrong. Sapphire opened the door and smiled down at me. I gave a small smile back at her before going in the room. I bowed at Mr. Bang and looked up, stopping suddenly in my right angled bow.

Mr. Bang wasn't alone. Sitting in the seat next to him was Min Yoongi, reclined back as he relaxed. Yoongi looked at me and gave a very lazy wave at me.

I blushed a little and stood up straight, scratching my cheek again. It was a nervous habit I had ever since I was a teenager going through puberty. I turned my head to Mr. Bang and tried to hide my surprise by smiling a little. "Y-you wanted to speak to me sir?" Damnit, you stuttered.

"Please sit down sweetie," Sapphire said kindly, placing a hand on my shoulder to guide me to a seat. She let me sit on a leather cushioned chair adjacent to Yoongi before sitting across from me.

"You aren't in any trouble Lexi. We just wanna discuss some things. And please just call me Sihyuk." Mr. Bang said, a kind smile on his rounder face. I nodded my head with a more relaxed smile, knowing that Mr. Bang wasn't gonna kick me out or scold me. "First off, congratulations on your fifth film with us. Thank you for providing some content to our website. How did you like filming with Namjoon?"

I scratched my other cheek, feeling my cheeks warm up a bit. "It was a good experience. Different, but in a good way... I now know why all the other actresses like him so much." I said softly, feeling my cheeks warm up more. I'm sure I was only a few shades under before I became a complete tomato.

Yoongi let out a tiny scoff, which didn't go unnoticed by me. I was confused by his small reaction and glanced at him. He was back to leaning against the back of his chair, arms crossed with a bored expression on his face.

Sihyuk chuckled lightly and nodded, a smile so wide that his eyes turned into crescents. "He is a real popular actor in this business. I'm glad you had a good experience working with him. Now, I know it's been a day since filming with him. How are you feeling?" Sihyuk nodded his head at my body, although his eyes remained mostly on my face.

I blushed a lot harder, closing my thighs a little more. "I feel fine. A bit sore, but it's getting a lot better."

"Good... Good." Sihyuk nodded his head thoughtfully, looking at Yoongi before going back to me. "I was wondering if you can do a film for today? I know you usually like to have the day off after a film..."

I nodded my head slightly, humming a little. "Hmmm... It depends on how the film is honestly... If it's too rough, I would much prefer it to be on a later date."

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