20. Ruby

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Alice didn't want to argue with her father, so she simply abided by his wish and left to go back to her chambers.

The Ball would be in three sunsets and until then she still had a plan.

Another day had passed and it was long before dusk, as the whole castle seemed to sleep.

Alice had gathered almost every jewel and almost all of her jewelry that was in her possession and put it into a small sack, which she attached to her belt.

Both Theodore and Alice were dressed far beneath their standards. At first glance, they looked like mere peasants if it weren't for their clean appearance and the knightly sword Theodore wore on his belt.

Theodore and Alice had snuck into the castle barn and had taken a horse. On it, they attached another pouch with different clothing.

The young King had paid close attention, as they had snuck out together, being careful not to be seen.

They decided to take only one horse. Theodore was better at riding horses so he sat in front as Alice sat behind him. As they left the castle grounds they drew very little attention to themselves, thanks to Mary opening and closing a door at the side of the castle walls.

The cold air bit Alices ears and her nose as they quickly galloped towards the city surrounding the bottom of the castle.

Wanting to shield herself from the icy winds the young woman's grip around her bondeds waist tightened. She leaned her face into Theodore's back, who silently enjoyed her embrace.

They only had very little time, if they didn't want the King and Queen to figure out about their disappearance.

Theodore contemplated on their plan, doubting it would work. He had to give it to Alice, she was smart, but would this be the right way to save her country?

The rigid motion of the young stallion which was carrying the two royals began to slow down, as they reached their first destination.

Having only the moon and the light emerging from inside the building in front of them, they could barely see.

Theodore jumped off the horse and Alice was about to do the same, but Theodore reached out his hands, picking her up by the waist and lifting her down. As her feet gently landed on the cold cobblestone ground their eyes locked for a moment.

Feeling his breath on her face Alice as he bent down almost seemed to yearn for his soft lips but this time Theodore pulled away. His mind was set on their mission as doubt still filled him.

The streets of Parandor were empty as Alice had anticipated, but she couldn't help but feel eerie about the situation. Theodore took the horses' lead line and turned to his bonded. She nodded at him and walked around the building to the source of light.

A fire was already burning in a large forge, heating long metal pieces, which would soon become formed to swords or other metal utensils. Alice's eyes traced along the work area of the smithy. on the table in front of her were hammers and pliers of sorts.

"Who's there?!" a croaky voice said loudly and Theodore who was still holding the reign of the horse took a few steps towards Alice who was standing under the small roofed workplace. they both looked to the door where a seemingly angry, ax-wielding man approached them.

"Were customers,.." Theodore threatened the man, his eyes hooked on the ax. The man was a short but hulky man who suspiciously looked at Theodore then at Alice before repeating this two more times.

"In the middle of the night?" his words spit fire and venom.

"Yes, we're sorry if we scared you, we really don't mean any harm." Alice smiled slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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