10. Mother

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The princess had commanded them both to guard her room tonight. She had also told them to calm themselves before turning and quickly leaving into her room. She needed to clear her head.

She didn't know if Theodore would do as she wished but with Emeric outside as well, she would notice if he tried anything. As soon as she pushed the door closed, she leaned against it.

Why was Theodore here? Did he simply not trust her to come back? And if so to what extent would he go to take her back to Walzenor?

She inhaled deeply.

She quickly realized that he'd been with her this entire time, watching her.

He lied to her, but he also saved her life.

And he saw Parcival die.

Fuck. He heard his last words.

She felt betrayed by her bonded. He followed her even though she'd told him that she needed to go home alone.

How could she look him in the eyes? How could he dare to look her in the eyes?

For a split second she doubted the change Theodore had undergone. Maybe he hadn't changed a bit since they first met.

He was still trying to control her, trying to watch her and trying to manipulate her.

It was like he was the ocean and she was drowning. Only ever giving her a breath of air before pulling her back down to swallow more water.

What was she to do now?

Emeric and Theodore hadn't spoken a word, once again. Neither of them wanted to blow their own cover, unbeknownst to each other.

Their hate and distrust for one another grew.

Hours later, when the moon had long been shining over the country, Alice opened the door to her chambers. Both Theodore and Emeric seemed surprised, turning their covered heads to her.

She was in her nightgown, revealing her shoulders but she didn't care. She couldn't sleep, not even for a second. She needed someone to talk to, and it certainly won't be Theodore.

She walked passed the two knights and turned a corner.

"Where are you going?" Theodore asked, his voice revealing slight traces of a demand to know.

It frustrated him that she was going to wander about, without asking him to protect her.

"Stay here until I come back." She simply said not looking back.

Theodore tightened his grip into a fist, but he obeyed.

She really needed some space right now.

Her strode soon left her standing in front of his parents chambers. It was never guarded. She didn't even know what she was going to say but she knocked anyways.

As she entered the chambers of her parents bedroom the fireplace which only consisted of burning ashes now, was the only light source. A figure sat up in her parents bed. It was the queen.

The king had always been a deep sleeper.

"Honey? Is that you?"

Alice brushes her hair behind her ears.

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