2. Gamble

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Knights held their swords up high all anxiously staring at their surroundings as a big group of hooligans and thieves circle around them. Their clothes were full of holes and their faces were full of scars and dirty. They clearly outnumbered the royals and knights.

Parcival was helped up by a soldier and seemed to be fine with the exception of an acing back. Alice was shaking almost squeezing herself into the stomach of the horse that her back was turned to. It had been a miracle that it had stayed calm after such a commotion as Parcivals previous stallion had jumped around in pain and taken off towards the woods again.

Theodore had set Alice down behind him turned to his enemies, unsheathed his sword and held his free arm in front to Alice in a protecting stance.

This was his element although he didn't like killing or fighting, he was good at it. He'd trained since the day after his fathers murder and become one of the best sword fighters long before he came to know his bonded. But in a way it made him feel alive and he it was almost always the only way for him to let of steam.

It all happened in a matter of seconds as the outer circle of thieves surrounded and cornered the knights circle with Theodore, the knights on horses and Alice in the middle.

Adrenaline rushes through each and everyone of them. The fact that everyone including the princess and the prince had to take down two men to get through this alive and outnumber them was evident.

Parcival had noticed it immediately. He shouted, "What is it you want?!"

Almost all thieves looked to one man at the question, who must be their leader. His face was covered by messy hair and a big matted beard and his eyes held not a spark of honor. All of the men were armes with knives, axes and swords but this mans double sided ax was the biggest.

His chapped crusty lips turned into an evil grin as he heard Parcival speak. "You see this, men! Nobles and knights are all bark and no bite!" He laughed wickedly and his fellow attackers laughed along.

Parcival bit his lip. Now was not the time to let himself get provoked. If he could get out of this without anyone dying it'd be the best.

"Were not playing games. If there's something you'd like, do tell us, or we'll be on our way."

His sisters eyes followed every movement of the leaders and Parcivals argument. Any wrong move and they'd loose lives. She was glad that her brother was being smart about this, giving up jewelry or valuables was worth not loosing a life to her.

Had Theodore been here, he'd probably attacked straight away, alone for the fact that they had gotten in the way of his journey, she thought.

"What we want, is your money, you muckspout!" He shouted, his emotion flashing from amused to angry.

Alice was someone who always saw the good in people but even she had a difficulty seeing good in this man.

Parcival reached to the back of his belt where a small sack was attached to it. He took a few steps towards the Leader and threw it to his feet. Everyone's eyes followed the sack of coins falling to the feet of the enemy and spilling out of the bag.

"20 gold coins." Parcival stated, with a serious look in his eyes.

"It should be more than enough for you all. Now leave us be." He added.

Astonished by the amount of gold the bearded man began to grin. "What a bounty." His eyes shimmered.

The tension eased as the conflict seemed to dispatch, but then the leader spoke as he picked up the gold sack. "We'll let you leave, but I'll need one more thing." His eyes shot to Alice.

Parcival saw his intentions and unsheathed the dagger on his belt, before throwing it straight at the leader all in one movement.

A rush of panic began for Alice as the dagger hit the mans chest, making him shout out in pain. Screams began to erupt as knights and attackers started fighting each other.

Everyone began moving and fighting for their lives while Alice was frozen in place. The Leader was no more as he fell to his knees growling in pain before dying on the path, leaving a growing blood puddle surrounding him.

A Walzenorian knight slashed down an attacker before grabbing his sword off the ground and throwing it to Parcival. He jumped and caught it while landing on the ground turning, just in time to shield himself from a dangerous blow. Slicing the shinbone of his attacker he freed himself from the ground position and finished the wounded man off.

Theodore had a more difficult task. Not only did he have to fight for his life but also for that of Alice. Within a matter of seconds he'd clashed his sword with an enemy, making a loud noise. He pulled back, dodged the strike and swung with all his might, almost beheading the enemy completely. He turned to Alice but only saw a blade rushing down lethally.

Holding out his free armored arm he dogged the blow before stabbing right through the mans chest.

Alice was being targeted. A thief grabbed her arm, and tried to drag her along, but she proceeded to scream and curl into a ball using all her weight to hinder her kidnapper. As he struggled with the princess, Parcival was cornered, and Theodore was still trying to get the sword back out of the corpse.

With force he pulled the sword back out. This is why he'd come along. To protect her, he thought. His fury sprang to life as he saw someone touching his Alice. It overcame him as he charged towards the man, causing her so much fear.

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