14. Confrontation

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An almost magical urge seemed to be pulling her into his arms but she mentally fought it.

His big warm hand had a comforting pressure on her small cold one, as he lifted his other hand to take the cloth out of hers.

Holding her fingers next to his cheek he leaned into her soft palm, stroking his cheek with it.

Not even alcohol could ever get him as addicted as he felt towards her touch. He felt like the longer he'd been unable to be close to her the stronger his longing turned.

Their intertwined hands lowered, and Alice knew she needed to speak to him, argue with him and figure out what the heck was going on, but her heart had other plans.

The room was cold but both of them felt warm in the presence of each other.

Theodore began to stroke his bondeds cheek, running his thumb over her face gently, down to her lips.

Alice craved for his lips on hers and the intoxicating love that he seemed to rule her world with, but her common sense told her to snap out of it.

She took a step back and tried to loosen his grip on her hand and face. She needed to talk, not to get emotional.

Theodore wasn't having it. His grip on her hand tightened before she could free herself. He pulled her into his arms, gently placing his chin on her head.

His big arms slithered around her back and her shoulders.

"I've missed you, little Alice." He said, his emotions running free, partially because of the alcohol that was making the library spin lightly as the adrenaline from the fight faded.

Raising her hands behind his back she wanted to hold him.

A memory of her fear that he made her feel back in Walzenor flashed through her head, and she lowered her hands instead of embracing him.

"Where were you?" She whispered, ignoring what he said.

His embracing arms loosened, letting her stepping back and away from him.

"In the pub." He said now avoiding her look.

He couldn't look at her when he felt like he was lying to her.


"To drink." He rolled his eyes.

"I, I know that, but you should tell me when you leave so we can avoid- all this." She gestured to his face, visually flustered by his simple answer.

Theodore was about to argue when the door slammed open, loudly banging the wall.

"Alice!" Her mother's voice boomed.

Alice turned quickly, to look at the queen, who was carefully scanning the situation.


"What are you doing? I heard about your knight causing trouble."

"He wasn't, he was just, just following orders." She tried to explain, not understanding why her mother was making a scene.

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