09. Come over here and I'll show you.

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The moment Schlatt's speech ends, Tommy and Wilbur jump into action, taking this as their cue to remove him from the spotlight as quickly as humanly possible.

Grappling the microphone from Schlatt, the blonde boy announces a recess, while Wilbur grabs Schlatt's shoulders and directs him to the back of the stage. All the while Schlatt cackles loudly, finding the entire scenario to be hilarious.

I'm still left speechless, my face in my hands. I should have seen something like this coming. A small part of me probably did. But like usual I ignored it, wanting to believe in Schlatt rather than my own sensibilities. Sure I expected a few inappropriate jokes and some degrading banter. But to run for president? What on earth is he thinking?

"What the hell are you doing, Schlatt?!"

Wilbur's voice cuts through the air like a knife, jerking me to my feet on instinct. Fundy and Niki watch from afar, unsure if they should interfere. Whereas Quackity stands by my side, his hands tucked into his suit pockets, a giddy grin on his face.

"Didn't you hear my speech just now? I'm running for president." Schlatt says, his tone nonchalant. He seems totally unperturbed by the irritated shape of Wilbur looming over him.

Tommy appears at Wilbur's side, out of breath and frantic. "What the fuck is happening?!" He demands, his voice a few pitches higher than usual. "Schlatt, why did you start your own party?! Aren't you supposed to be endorsing us?!"

Schlatt turns his gaze on Tommy, cold and piercing. It has the blonde boy shrink back in shock, taking a step behind Wilbur.

"You planned to run a party from the beginning, didn't you?" Wilbur mutters, his low voice dripping with hate. It sends a chill down my spine. He sounds like he might actually hurt Schlatt if I don't do something soon.


I place a hand on the goat-man's arm, putting a stop to whatever comment he'd been about to make.

"Hm?" Schlatt pauses, confused for a moment as to who would dare interrupt him.

His cruel expression immediately drops upon seeing me, and a smile actually breaks out across his face. "Ah, Ares. You have something to say? What is it?"

I glance to Tommy and Wilbur before dipping my head, too ashamed to meet their eyes, "We should leave for now. Dream is in the audience. And after your announcement just now, I worry he'll come for you the moment the rally is over."

"Hm, yes, I suppose you're right. You usually are. Alright then, we'll leave for now. I've said all I wanted to."

He ruffles my hair with a smirk, and I feel myself shrink further into my shame. Everyone is staring at him—at me. They probably think I was part of his scheme. I know I would.

Turning my back on Wilbur and Tommy, I follow Schlatt's lead as he strolls off stage, humming a little tune to himself. We pass Quackity as we go, and Schlatt pauses at his side for a moment. He rests a hand on the boy's shoulder and leans in to whisper something in his ear. Whatever it is he says it has Quackity's cheeks heat up, his eyes widening.

I cast a curious glance to Quackity before exiting off the stage and into the cool, evening air. It's strange to think we've been here for almost an entire day. The sun is already setting over the horizon.

"What did you say to Quackity?" I ask, attempting to bury my conflicting thoughts by asking a question unrelated to the election.

"Told him he had a nice ass," Schlatt smirks.


That was not the answer I was expecting. But at the same time, it's exactly like Schlatt to say something so shamelessly crude.

"I suppose we'll need to find somewhere new to stay..." I voice after a moment, rubbing the goosebumps along my arms, "I doubt Tommy will want us in his house after today."

Schlatt tuts.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Tubbo mentioned a community house during the tour. We could stay there? It's in Dream's territory, though, so we'll have to be cautious."

Schlatt shrugs, "I'll be safe as long as I got you. So I don't really care where we go. Dream can go fuck himself as far as I'm concerned."

"Sir..." I sweatdrop, and cast a quick glance around for any sign of the masked man jumping from the shadows. He must know by now that we've left the podium grounds. I just hope he'll hold off his pursuit till morning.

The only reason Dream hadn't attacked us during our stay in the Embassy was because he thought Schlatt would be leaving after the endorsements were over. And was willing to tolerate him till then. But now that Schlatt has made a grab for the presidential seat...well. If he wins, not only will our stay be extended, but Schlatt, a manipulative bully, will be given the highest rank of authority in the country. I don't know Dream well, but even I can tell this isn't a risk he's willing to take.

My shoulders slump as I realise my job just got ten times harder.

Before, Dream just wanted to run us out of his lands. But now, even if we were to leave willingly, Schlatt still holds the chance of winning the election, whether he's present for it or not.

"Hey, what's that?"

I look up, following Schlatt's line of sight. The wooden path sits just up ahead, presenting us a clear cut through the landscape. But that's not what has my eyes narrow and my muscles go taut.

Two figures stand ready on the wooden strip, their weapons propped against their shoulders. In the waning sunlight, I can make out their faces.

Dream and Sapnap.

"Schlatt-" I begin, taking a defensive stance in front of him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know the drill." He says, waving a hand nonchalantly as he turns and walks back to a safe distance. "Try not to make too much of a mess, ay?"

"Well this should be easy," Sapnap laughs aloud, his voice echoing through the night. "Looks like you forgot your weapon—again. You're the worst bodyguard I've ever met. This should take- what? Four? Five minutes tops?"

"Don't count your chickens before they've hatched," I warn coolly, eyeing the two men.

"And what the heck is that supposed to mean?"

I smile politely.

"Come over here and I'll show you."


Mondays suck, so here's a chapter :D

I'm also looking for some good Technoblade x reader/oc stories. Any recommendations? I'm looking for DreamSMP ones in particular.

Pandemonium | Dream SMPजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें