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"Oh captain, my captain. It's time for you to wake up." I coo, the soft thrum of my voice accompanied by a gentle brushing of fingers through his hair rousing the man.

Schlatt blinks heavily, his brows creasing as he leans into my touch. "It's morning already?" He mutters huskily.

"It's afternoon, sir." I muse, planting a kiss to his hairline before moving away to gather his coat. It clinks and clatters with all the gold embroidered into it and I drape it over his shoulders as he stands, his hands pressed flat to the desk for support.

"Fuck. That was some good rum. I don't remember anything."

"Your hat, captain." He bows on instinct and I place the feathered garment atop his head, tipping it a little to the right to fit between his curling horns. When he straightens the feathers fall into his face and I hold back a small snort.

"Very dashing," I tease, curling a feather between my fingers. "Like a peacock."

Schlatt grunts and pulls the hat from his head, plonking it onto mine. "If you like it so much then you wear it."

"But it's the captain's hat!" I protest with a laugh, tilting the brim back to grin at my captain. "You simply must wear it."

"Now why would I do that when you look so much better in it?"

My laugh catches in my throat as he bends down beneath the hat, coming almost nose to nose with me. His eyes are hooded and dark, not fully awake, but even I recognise a look of lust when I see it.

"If it pleases my Captain," I hum, a smirk curling my lips as I take his chin between my thumb and forefinger. My other hand runs down the front of his open shirt and hooks into his belt, giving a small, teasing tug. His eyes flutter and he groans.


"You'd like that, wouldn't you."

My lips touch his in the lightest of kisses, "but maybe later. You still need to eat breakfast."

"But I've got a whole meal right in front of me," he huffs, dropping his head down into the crook of my neck, his hands finding purchase on the jut of my hips, thumbs pressing hard into my pelvis.

I shiver, my feet thoroughly rooted to the floorboards as his thumbs start to rub circles, his teeth nibbling at the sensitive skin of my throat.

He's being very tempting today. Must be the alcohol still in his bloodstream.

"No. You can wait." I decide, surprised to find myself almost seduced by his sultry tone.


His thumbs press harder and I wince, my knees almost buckling. I love it, of course, a bit of roughness, but if I don't stop him now then we won't get anything done today.

"I said you can wait," I repeat, taking his gold-capped horn and jerking him away. He grumbles but doesn't resist as I force him to straighten up, his hands falling from my waistband.

There's a knock at the cabin door and Niki calls out, asking to enter.

Immediately my face blossoms into a smile as I cross the room and open the door for her, leaving Schlatt grumbling and blue-balled, leaning on his desk.

"Thank you," I take the tray of food from the shorter woman. Her pink hair is tied back in a cute little knot today and she has her sleeves rolled up to her elbows in a typical 'working woman' fashion. Her glasses catch the light as she looks up and returns my smile.

"You're welcome." She hums, voice soft and gentle, only for her gaze to harden into one of disdain as she catches Schlatt looking at her. "And I hope you choke." She growls.

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