14. Well, that was weird.

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I know I said I would find Quackity, but in truth, I don't even know where to begin. The Dream SMP is a big place. If I wander off carelessly I could get lost. Or worse, bump into someone looking for a fight. Schlatt isn't exactly the most liked person at the moment, and I'm assuming that dislike also extends to me. I should be cautious about who I interact with until I learn where everyone stands on the Schlatt2020 announcement.

Deciding to play it safe, I pull the hood of my green hoodie up and tuck my hair out of view. It isn't much, but it'll at least prevent anyone from recognising me at a distance.

I start my search along prime path, sticking to the main walkway as I observe the surrounding buildings in search of any glimpses of a boy in a beanie and suit jacket.

Occasionally I catch a whisper of movement between buildings as denizens of the SMP go about their day. Few notice me, and those that do have an instant look of concern on their faces before sidling out of view. It's a little odd, I'll admit. But I'm not in a position to think long about their strange behaviour. I've yet to spot anyone who even remotely resembles Quackity. Or a house that is marked with his name.

He...does have a house, right?

Just as I begin to wonder if I should double back the way I came, two voices drift into my hearing range. I recognise one of them almost instantly as Tubbo. But the other remains unfamiliar.

I stop in my tracks, searching out the boy's voice, and spy two figures as they wander into view. Both wear L'Manburg uniforms, their hats absent due to today's warm weather. Tubbo's mop of brown hair is easy to identify, but not as much as the bright orange fur of the fox that walks beside him.

The two males continue to talk until Fundy flicks an ear, and turns his pointed muzzle in my direction. He slows to a stop upon catching sight of me, an air of wariness settling over him. Tubbo follows his line of sight, confused, only to stumble to a stop soon after.

"Dream?" Tubbo questions, sounding unsure of himself even as he says it.


I tilt my head in confusion. Is he referring to me? There's no one else along prime path except for us three. Is it the green hoodie that's confusing him?

"No, not Dream," Fundy says slowly, taking a step forward. His black nose twitches as he draws closer, apparently trying to discern my scent. He must find it, because not a moment later his tail bushes out, and his dark eyes widen. "Y-you-?!"

"What?" Tubbo looks between me and Fundy, then squints. This seems to do the trick, as not a moment later his blue eyes double in size and a joyful grin engulfs his face.

"Ares! It's you!" He exclaims, bounding forward with renewed energy. "Where did you and Schlatt go? I was worried when I didn't see you after the rally. Are you alright?"

"Of course." I smile fondly down at the boy, pulling the hood from my head to get a better look at him. "Schlatt and I are doing just fine. You needn't worry about us. Are you and Tommy well?"

Tubbo pulls a face, "Ehhhh, in a way..."

I nod solemnly at his words, "I see. Tommy's that upset, huh?"

"I wouldn't say he's upset, exactly. But he is pretty salty about the whole thing. He was really looking forward to having Schlatt as an endorsement, not as a competitor..."

I hesitate. "Do you...think I should go visit him?"

Tubbo shakes his head so hard he almost falls over. "God, no! He'd probably try and challenge you to a fight or something. It's better to let him cool off for a bit. Besides, he's not home right now anyway."

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