41. There's my good girl.

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By the time I've descended the tower and walked back along the path I travelled, Tommy and Wilbur have vanished from view, as has half of the wall. There's a clean trail of black bricks to outline where the missing half of the wall once looped around the country. Already the place feels more open. More free.

As I get closer to the crowd I notice a flash of red and gold, and immediately my mood brightens. Is that Eret?

"Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, Schlatt." Eret voices aloud, his tone cold and serious. It has me slow for only a moment before I pick up the pace, closing the gap between me and the remaining members of the crowd. Eret is stood before Schlatt, his platformed heels lifting him a few inches higher as he stares the horned man down. The cabinet members as well as a few of the residents watch the scene with concern, glancing between the two men of power. Hbomb and Niki stand side by side, watching with pensive expressions. They're both noticeably on Eret's side, hovering behind him.

"I don't know what to tell ya, Eret. But we're doing this, whether you like it or not." Schlatt quips, his chin tilted back smugly.

"You are making a mistake," Eret reaffirms, the whites of his eyes glinting for just a moment behind his shades.

Schlatt rolls his eyes and looks over his shoulder to where Quackity stands. He jabs a thumb in Eret's direction. "Hey, can we imprison this guy? He's trespassing on my land. He's also annoying."

Niki looks like she's about to yell something but Hbomb holds her back, keeping her quiet.

Eret frowns but doesn't say any more. Instead, he turns, his red cape sweeping out behind him, flashing the colours of the bi flag, and starts walking away. He passes me on his way and slows just long enough to give me a respectful little nod. A moment later and Hbomb jogs past me as well, giving a quick nod too as he follows after Eret.

"What a buzzkill," Schlatt frowns, turning his attention back to the walls, acting as if he hadn't just attempted to throw the king of the SMP into a cell. He grins and opens his arms to the demolition, "ah, now will you just look at this! This place looks better already! I feel like I can finally breathe." The man plants his hands on his hips and takes a deep breath for emphasis.

Niki makes a scoffing noise and turns away from the man, disgusted. She doesn't even glance my way as she storms off, her fists bunched at her sides. I watch her go with a pained expression but I keep myself from calling out. I don't know what I'd say to her even if I did. I never know what to say to her anymore.

"Has anyone seen Tubbo?" Schlatt suddenly questions, looking around. His eyes land on me and he grins. "Ares! Perfect timing. Be a dear and go find Tubbo for me, will ya? I need to have a talk with that boy."

"I- of course. But there's something I need to-"

I'm cut off as Schlatt plants a hand on my head, ruffling my hair. "There's my good girl. Why can't the rest of my cabinet be as reliable as you?"

"Thank you, sir, but there really is-"

I'm cut off again as Schlatt suddenly bellows out at someone, yelling at them to get a move on. And then he's off walking across the grass, his back to me as I'm left alone, Quackity speed walking to keep at his side.

I guess Dream's message will have to wait till later.

Gripping my trident to my chest, I'm left with nothing else to do but find Tubbo. Maybe then Schlatt will spare a few minutes to hear what I have to say.

Fundy sidles up to me, suit jacket tied around his waist and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He gives a bit of a sheepish smile.

"I saw Tubbo head for the lake, if it helps?" He offers.

"The lake?" I tilt my head. I don't remember a lake.

"Yeah, it's kind of hidden behind some trees. Just walk straight from here and you'll find it." The fox points a claw towards the heart of L'Manburg and I nod.

"Thank you. That helps a lot."

"No problem!" He flashes a much more confident grin, and I feel myself stare.

Fluffy ginger cat. Fluffy ginger cat. Fluffy ginger cat.

I really want to pet him!

"Y-yes. Thank you." I cough awkwardly, trying to suppress my urges. "I'll go now, then..."


We stare at each other for a few more seconds before I finally break and start walking quickly away.

Well, that was awkward.

Trusting Fundy's directions, I walk straight until I spot a small gaggle of pine trees between some buildings. It's a quiet place, very out of the way of the bustling business of L'Manburg. It's no wonder I've never noticed it before.

Pushing past the first few trees, my trident held at an awkward angle to not catch it in any branches, I pop out into a pleasant little clearing. A lake, or maybe it's more of a pond, sits right at the centre of this secret garden, and as my eyes roam in search of a brunette boy, they settle on something much more unexpected. An old wooden trailer sits sadly between some trees, its white paint peeling and its windows smashed. All of its wheels are missing, with cinderblocks used to prop it up instead. It's clearly been here a while, for most of the greenery has grown around it, hugging it in place. I doubt the thing could move even if it was in perfect condition. 

Looking at it has an odd pang of nostalgia run through me. It's like the old caravans I grew up around, minus the horses and llamas.

A door on the trailer's side squeaks open, and I shift my trident quickly into a more comfortable pose. But the action is unnecessary, as a sad-looking Tubbo lumbers out, his head hung low.

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