Phantom Blood 2

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Arriving in the Joestar mansion:

"Lady Y/N!", welcomed you George Joestar as he opens his arms expectantly. So you both were standing in the entry hall, hugging each other not wanting to let go. It might have been not appropriate but you believed you can ignore manners for the sake of humanity.

"I told you to call me Y/N when we are alone, Georgie~" you tease him while elbowing him in his rips. He grunted in pain as he shouted: "Y/N!!! Stop it!" Comically he started crying fake tears, making you laugh at him, but stopping after you had your fun. Oh no, he was annoyed...

"It is good to see you again" you said with a smile but it vanished when you began your next words. "So how have you been doing you know after..." you gulped. You just could not bring yourself to finish this sentence as you see his eyes swelling with tears again. "I am sorry. I did not want to reopen old wounds" you mutter putting on an sympathic expression, twelve years is not enough time to properly mourn over  a beloved one, especially the love of one's life. Human lives are short too short. You pulled him into your arms drawing soothing circles onto his back, as he tried to calm himself. 

After a short while he collected himself putting on a reassuring smile: "It has been hard on me. However life goes on and so shall we move on. Please let us talk about more joyful topics, shall we?" You simply nodded letting go of him.

"Well you look as stunning. You really have not changed a bit since we first met. Truly beautiful as ever, milady" he chuckled and mock bows in front of you. You tried so hard not to lose your composure. It needed all your willpower to hold yourself back from losing the last bit decency you had left. Keyword: Tried.

Everybody that saw you know would instantly know about the strong friendship that you shared as well as your bizarre relationship. They could only see two giggling children making stupid jokes and fooling around with each other, no trace left of the stoic lady you were known for or the proud English gentleman. It was truly refreshing for the staff to have you back since all the seniors all recognized you as a capable woman with amazing healing abilities as well as a passionate companion and teacher. You are after all a real lady even if you were holding onto the stair railing to stop yourself from collapsing to the ground, still shaking your head laughing. Even Sir Joestar a man known for his great composure lost it and had to sit on the stairs.

Still all joyful moments have to come to an end, slowly collecting your breath you asked where his son Jonathan Joestar was. You really liked to meet your new student. The last time you saw him was at the funeral twelve years ago, you are curious how he turned out.

"Jonathan is out with Danny. But do not worry you are going to meet him during lunch." he answered with a loving smile. 

"Danny?"You asked intrigued."A boyfriend?! That's rare nowadays..." You replied impressed.

"Boyfriend...? Oh no, Danny is his dog! Please do not misunderstand."

"Ah, a dog." you grinned to yourself "You are going to support him if he chooses a boy to be his partner won't you?" you grin turned int a mischievious smirk, letting out a dark aura. George started to sweat nervously, knowing the wrong answer will cost him one limp or two, as he fumbled with the hem of his dressshirt, gulping he answered: "I think the d-decision is u-up to Jonathan." He rescued himself while you smiled at him approvingly, nodding your head.

"Correct, someone really gets wiser with age." You really tried hard to keep a straight face and...failed. Again you burst out laughing, while George threw a fit, exhausting himself rather quickly.

"Before I forget Lady Y/N would you like to take a bath before meeting Jonathan, and a change of clothing?" he inquires softly "Travelling is really exhausting isn't it?"

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