Phantom Blood 18

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The dark knights

Surrounded by sharp cliffs on the three sides Windknight's Lot is a former medieval training ground for knights. Today the town is dominated by a prison. Where its inmates mine for coal. Agriculture and fishing is the town's main lifeblood. But its population517 citizens and prisoners may soon disappear!

The sun was setting as you guys walked around Windknight's Lot you munching on the last sandwich happily still the overall mood was tense. It was a nice town with fields, where still peasants worked and a clear and large river. Everything seemed golden and welcoming.

"The townspeople are hard at work. Everything appears calm and peaceful. But I know Dio is lurking somewhere." Jonathan observed until he heard a low grunt behind him, concerned he looked back seeing a crunched down Speedwagon, you laughing and a panicked Baron Zeppeli. "What happened?"

"Well Speedwagon implored me earnestly, so I thought I would help him create just a small amount of Hamon." Zeppeli raised his still outstretched pinky slowly standing up. "However my finger must hand slipped. I am terribly sorry Speedwagon." He apologized. You could not hold it anymore:"That was hilarious! I have never seen you messing up Will!" Tears formed in the corners of your eyes which you wped away until you coughed due to some bread crumbs.

"" Speedwagon cried out pitifully unable to stand.

Suddenly a boy snatched Speedwagon's suitcase jumping in the river, swimming to the other shore and started to climb up the cliff.

"Baron Zeppeli he is just a fad." Jonathan said relieved.

"Rather spry for a young bag snatcher, eh?" He complimented.

"I agree. He has potential." You nodded agreeing with Will.

"Hey do not just stand there ogling!" Speedwagon shouted rising slowly with your help. "All our money is in that bag! That little devil."

"A grab and dash in a single move." Jonathan ignored him.

"Let us see....I think he can serve us as a guide." Zeppeli thought out aloud. He put both of his hands in the water of the river creating ripples and tippled over the river rather comically, you only shook your head. "He is not sinking!" Speedwagon exclaimed in surprise. The Jonathan himself jumped into the deep river. But instead on walking on the water's surface he sunk to his ankles however he continued walking none the less, well he was more jumping in long strides sinking every time a bit deeper.

"Jojo the water is up to your knees!" Will shout smirking. "Your Hamon energy is not quite there!"

"Jonathan! Your poor clothes!!" You screamed after the young noble man from the shore looking back at Speedwagon:" Should I give you a piggy back ride like in the old times?" You asked teasing nudging him a bit with your elbow.

Embarrassed he agreed seeing no other option. Not like he complains, it was just....humiliating. With a grown man on your bask you took your first step on the water. Casually you walked over to them like it was no big deal standing tall. Everybody admired your cat walk. You smirked at their attention in the end you were completely fine not like Jonathan with his wet boots and pant.

Setting Speedwagon down slowly you looked up the cliff seeing the boy almost at the top.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now