Stardust Crusaders 22

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What happened previously:

"So that proves my were hurt in your dream Kakyoin, I know it sounds crazy. Apparently you carved those words in your arm. It is the only possibility that is left. I know it is madness but listen, you chose the words baby and Stand....What if the baby is a Stand user who gets to you in your dreams with hurting you in real life and you hurt yourself to help you remember ....if it makes sense...." You spoke calmly. "I know...I cannot believe it myself but what if....The baby is a Stand user who swore loyalty to Dio, I mean we faced animals....why is a baby any different?" you asked grimly as both of you looked to the baby as he looked away quickly proving your suspicions as Kakyoin stood up walking closer to the baby as you held him back.

"Stop Kakyoin, I know what you are thinking and seriously I feel the same but we cannot ac rashly. I stay up tonight and keep up guard, lay low..." You advised as you guided him back gently. "We have to wait, we do not have enough proof...for now...."

Death Part2

Currently you sat next to Kakyoin drawing soothing circled on his back as all of you ate in silence at the bonfire except Jotaro who was standing a bit apart of the group looking at the night sky holding a coffee mug in his right hand.....

So this is Saudi Arabia, about 8,800 kilometers from Japan. It has been about four weeks since we began this journey. If we do not hurry we will be in serious trouble. Jotaro thought heading back to the group as he saw Kakyoin leaning onto your shoulder for comfort as you hugged the red head making Jotaro clenched his fist gritting his teeth in frustration though he did not know why it bothered him so much.

Kakyoin.....He sat down next to Polnareff observing both of you frowning as Polnareff leaned closer.

"Hey Jotaro, what do you think is up with Kakyoin?" He whispered "First he nearly kills us in his sleep on the plane, then he looks ready to attack the baby but Y/N held him back and now they are cuddling.... Both of them were silent for a while now, normally Y/N would scold Mister Joestar or soothe the baby and Kakyoin looks so conflicted...something is just not right. If you ask me Kakyoin is at his wit's end and Y/N is completely on edge because of Mister Zeppeli. Do you think they will be able to keep going from here? I do not doubt Y/N's abilities since she is the most experienced of us, but Kakyoin...." He trailed off as you and Jotaro made eye contact as you smiled at the grumpy looking Highschool delinquent warmly patting Kakyoin's head before moving to sit next to Jotaro, so he will hopefully stop glaring daggers at the poor cherry lover....

AS you sat next to him Jotaro felt slightly less on edge as he leaned his head on your shoulder like a puppy looking for affection.

For a second there, I thought Kakyoin actually figured me out....The baby snickered.....but Y/N and the others surely won't let him attack me for now. By the looks of it he still is half-doubting himself. To top things off, we are in the middle of the desert....all I have t do is wait until they fall asleep. If there is no one to wake them up.....

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن