Diamond is Unbreakable 38

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Author's Note: Hello everyone!!! Thank you all for sticking with me on this journey as we are slowly but steadily nearing the end of part 4 of Jojo's. I hope all of you are doing well!!

I just wanted to tell you guys that the next update will be in about three weeks instead, but with additional art of Y/N^^

Without further ado, let's get into this!!!

What happened previously:

"What a lovely morning. But Hayato was acting strangely..." Kira spoke up. "What was that? It is just a hunch but something was strange... It appears that we have repeated this morning three, ... no four times now."

"I-Is he just that intuitive?" Worried Hayato looked over his shoulder, waiting for Kira's next move. "But there is no more time! Where are Miss Y/N and the others? I will just have to attack him from here." Making a decision, Hayato opened his school bag, unfolding the cloth. "Wait... D-Did he figure out that I have the cat plant, and that is why he is not coming near me? No... He is too close if he knows that. But I have to completely defeat him in one shot. If I miss, Rohan will explode, and then he will undo Bites the Dust after the other four are eliminated. If that happens he is going to win! There is no time! Damn it...Just one more step to the left! If he just steps out from behind that filthy tree, I can attack!"

However, Kira hid further, right out of Stray Cat's line of sight.

"What?! H-He has hidden himself even more!"

"The look in Hayato's eyes when he left the house... He looked determined about something. It is the same look that the shitbag Josuke and my lovely darling Y/N have. My hunch is telling me to carefully observe him....Though there really is not much that HAyato can do...

Once it is a few seconds past 8:29 the attack on Rohan Kishibe will start! Hayato began crying again.

That brat is shaking. Those eyes look like a despaired mouse drowning in a cesspool. I guess I was just imagining his determination. Those are definitely the eyes of a loser. Kira thought, stepping out from behind the tree.

He moved!

"I came to bring the hat you forgot, Hayato." Kira walked over to the boy, holding out the yellow hat.

If there is a God, I thank you! Hayato started praying. I thank the fate that got this murderer to move from behind that tree! I feel a fighting spirit burning within me! HE opened his hazel eyes that shone full of determination, unfolding the cloth hiding Stray Cat. "TAKE THIS, YOSHIKAGE KIRA!" Hayato yelled as Stray Cat fired off two air bubbles, one hitting Kira directly in his chest.


"Y-Yes!" Hayato trembled as the man fell to the ground. "I hit him dead-on! I--- I did it!" He ran over to the man, letting stray cat aim at him. "This is the end you murderer-" HE shouted as suddenly the man's fist connected with the boy's face if it was not for Killer Queen Bites the Dust protecting him. "WH-Wh-What?!"

"Lately..." Kira spoke up, stepping on Hayato's school bag.


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