Chapter 22

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One week passed before Malfoy allowed Eden to be alone in her room and another until she was allowed to leave or see Pansy, whom Eden thought had just left her there on her own with Draco.

The moment the words came out of his mouth she basically barged out of the room without a jacket and walked outside inhaling so sharply just to get in the fresh air. 

The cold air. 

It was so refreshing after spending two weeks cooped up in that torture chamber she called a room.

Eden rolled up her sleeves to let the wind hit her until Pansy basically engulfed her in a hug to which Eden almost fell over from the surprise.

"I'm so sorry Eden.  I'm so sorry I didn't know.  I didn't know and I'm so sorry!"

"Stop apologizing.  She does not need a reminder of what you did."  Draco stepped out and threw a jacket toward Pansy, who then wrapped it around Eden's shoulders, rubbing them right after to make sure she was really warm.  Eden's eyes locked with the darkness from behind the stable.

The last time she was out here she had her brink of death experience with the vampire.

As Pansy looked toward Draco, Eden slid out from her arms and took off in the direction of the closed gates.

They were closed to prevent her from going back, obviously, but she wanted to see.  She wanted to look at where it happened. 

There was just this strong urge inside of her to do so.

When she got the bars she wrapped her hands around them and peered to where the path cut off. 

You could see it from the house today since there was no fog hiding it from the view. 

Her blood still stained the snow.  All this time and it did not melt and no new snow fell to cover it.

It was dark red and old looked because...  Well it was old.

Eden's hands went numb against the freezing cold bar and she pulled her hand away to prevent it from actually hurting her.

When she opened her palm she saw that it was bright red and it throbbed from the sudden release.

That was right about when a thought crossed her mind and she turned around to face the porch once again. 

Draco and Pansy stood staring at her from all the way in the distance. 

He had his usually serious face with his arms crossed over his chest and Pansy stood beside him with a small smile on her and her hands rocking back and forth on both sides.

"I want to see Eden!". Eden shouted so they could hear her.  She pulled her hands into her sleeves shyly— doing it to keep her warm— and began to make her way back to the porch.

"She's inside.  Come and see her.  I'm sure she would love to see you after all this time.  Besides it's been nearly three weeks since you saw her last."

Pansy lead Eden to the living room where her daughter was the first time Pansy let Eden meet her, but this time instead of Draco sitting there and playing with her, Tissy was sitting, dangling a toy above her as she laughed loudly trying to reach up and grab it.

Tissy's attention turned to the doorway seeing Eden walk in and her face immediately lit up.

"Tissy is so glad to see you again!"

"Thanks. I missed you too."

Pansy walked over and picked up her baby, bringing her over to Eden who she reached out and tried to grab.

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