Memory 3

523 12 2

November, 1997


In a recent attack at a quidditch match between Ireland and Russia, the Dark Lord's infamous "Dark Mark" symbol could be seen glowing green in the sky right after the games had finished.  Witnesses say that there was no sign of you-know-who at the scene, but officials at the Ministry of Magic are saying we as a community should heed this warning. As a precaution to all wizards and witches, all sporting activities are to be banned starting November 24th. Stay safe.

The whole day had gone by, yet Eden kept reading the paper over and over hoping it was some kind of joke

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The whole day had gone by, yet Eden kept reading the paper over and over hoping it was some kind of joke. 

Her head was spinning out of control just reading his name. 


They said it like it didn't even matter anymore.  As if he already ruled over them.

Her fingers ran along the edge of the paper over and over again without even realizing until she looked over and felt a burning sensation on the tip of her index finger.

A paper cut.

It began to bleed out dripping down onto the paper eventually soaking through and landing on the white sheets of her bed.

That was when she picked herself up and brought herself into the washroom allowing the cut to be rinsed off and soaked in hot water before grabbing a towel and applying pressure to her new, tiny wound.

She wondered what Hermione was doing after hearing this news...  Fred, George...  Harry?  The Weasleys...  Everyone.

The worst part about this was that she was staying in a house with a confirmed Death Eater and his name was Lucius Malfoy.

There was no one she could talk to about this.  Not even Narcissa.  That woman's loyalty laid wherever her husbands did and his loyalty indeed laid with the Dark Lord.

Now was the perfect time for her to get information for Harry, though Eden and Harry had not seen each other in weeks. 

He was always on her ass about that.  Getting information of the Dark Lord and his plans.  The man acted like she talked to the Malfoy's on a daily basis just to know these things.

There was a sudden screech from down the hall.  Piercing to the ear.  It was the scream of a woman.  One that was hurt, maybe even dying.

The only other woman in this house was Narcissa...

Eden stood up right away, grabbing hold of her wand and ran out the door.  The moment she turned the corner, she was faced with the only mother figure she's ever known lying on the floor.

The colour was already draining from her face and she was not moving at all, not even her chest.  She was not breathing.

"Oh my-"

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