Chapter 27

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All of a sudden the music stopped as did her spins when she realized.

"That's enough for you today. You're overdoing it. Start again tomorrow."

"What do you mean tomorrow. I want to do it now." From all the adrenaline rushing through her, Eden almost forgot she was not a free woman doing this by her free will.

She was a prisoner and the way she was speaking to the man keeping her here was extremely rude and disrespectful, but what she was about to do was a whole lot worse.

"Well I said tomorrow. You'll be thanking me later on-"

All of a sudden her fist swung at him heading straight for his face without a single reason why...

Well Eden could name a few, but in that moment, then and there, there was no reason for her to do this.

It was so random and unexpected that she hoped she would get to him, just punch him and humble the boy.

But she was stupid for thinking someone could ever lay a finger on Draco without him noticing.

His hand wrapped around her tiny fist right as it was about to collide with his face and a small smirk formed on his lips. It was one of amusement, but it wiped away shortly after.

"I've trained with the most powerful death eaters in the world, I have a wand with me AND I work for Voldemort's army and you think you're going to swing that pathetically small fist of yours and punch me across the face. I'd give you props for trying, but I wouldn't want to egg on this bad behaviour of yours so I'll be as nice as possible." His grip tightened and he twisted her wrist causing her to let out a yelp of pain. "If you try something like that again, which I know you will since you obviously have some sort of deep hatred for me, I won't hesitate to beat you until you see stars."

Eden laughed calling his bluff. "You wouldn't lay a finger on me because I also know you obviously have some sort of deep care for me. Not sure why, but you make it too obvious Malfoy."

"If I had a fucking care in the world for you I would have set you free. You're confusing orders with reality. I don't care about you. No one does."

"If that were true you would not have helped me by distracting the death eaters with that Hermione bit. And a person who didn't care would have let me bleed out and DIE that night I got bitten, but you certainly didn't because look at me now."

The two of them stared challengingly at one another. Draco's face turned completely serious and Eden was now the one with the smirk on her lips.

"So should I have just let you die then?!"

"Yes! That was the whole point-"

"It was not!" He shouted loudly making her flinch the slightest bit. "You were screaming and crying.  You called for me because you couldn't fend for yourself!"

"Well if I was free and had my magic I would have been able to fight him off!"

If he was going to raise his tone, Eden could do the same thing. 

That was no problem for her.  Being a bitch was in her blood anyway.

That she remembered.

"You want to leave?!  Fine go!  Find yourself out, but just to let you know the only way to leave is through that forest and unless you want to die you'll stay here with me whether you like it or not!"

"I'd rather die!"

"Be my fucking guest Abella!"

He let go of her harshly and stepped back waiting for her to walk out of the manor; but the thing was she really did mean it.

Useless | Draco Malfoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن