Chapter 26

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《Sarafina's POV》

I walked in the dinning room and was surprised to see all my brothers all except Vito. Weird. Vito is literally the first person to enter the dinning whenever we have dinner together and was more confused when I didn't see food on the table.

 I walked up to my seat which was next to Lorenzo. I looked around all of them looked anxious for some reason.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly

No one answered. That's when I heard some clattering sounds from the kitchen and after some while Vito entered the dinning 

"Dinner's ready" He exclaimed grinning I noticed my brothers visibly gulp I gave them a weird look before turning to Vito.

"You made dinner?" I ask he nodded and then the maids came in with the food. 

"Oh wow, this looks delicious Vito" Lorenzo says forcing a smile. I shrugged before grabbing the bowl and  putting some of the...

Weird brown substance.

What the hell is this?

My brothers were staring at me. I slowly put some in my plate. Lorenzo slightly cringed. I mean it wouldn't be so bad, right?

I take back what I thought earlier. This is the worst thing I've ever had in 16 years of my life. I forcefully took another bite of whatever this is. 

In the corner of my eyes I saw Lorenzo put all the food inside a napkin without Vito noticing who was busy talking to Leonard who looks annoyed and took another bite of the dish as he slightly cringed but quickly cowered it. 

Antonio took slow bites of the thing but not giving anything away while Gavino was staring at the thing. 

I need to get out of here.

Lorenzo turned to me it's like he read my mind as he nodded his head slightly. I started fake coughing which got everyone's attention

 "Bambina, Are you okay?" Lorenzo asked faking a worried face in response I coughed harder.

 I heard Lorenzo get out of his chair before coming to my side and patting my back "Hey, It's fine just breathe" He says in the corner of my eyes I saw my brothers giving me concern looks.

I feel bad for doing this but I need to get out of here.

 Lorenzo furrowed his eyebrows in concern and there's my sign. I fainted I heard my brothers curse

 "Bambina wake up" Lorenzo says faking worry.

"We should take her to the hospital" Vito says worried I could feel Lorenzo shaking his head "Maybe she just needs rest" He says he didn't give them a chance to speak.

I felt his arm around my waist before carrying me bridal style. We walked up the stairs to my room. I felt him place me on the bed. I slowly opened my eyes and sighed in relief before turning to grinning Lorenzo.

"We should totally join the drama group"


Sarafina De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now