Chapter 18

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《Sarafina's POV》

             I'm sitting on the stool in the art class as Xavier is infront of me sketching. We were told to sketch your partners as our first project so here I am sitting in the stool staring at nothing

. I sighed quietly. This is boring as hell I turned to see Joshua and Brianna who are happily doing there project 

"Can you not move" I heard Xavier grunt 

I glared at him.

What is he even doing that is taking him so long? I took out gum that was in my pocket and yes, if some of you are wondering if I carry a packet of gum everywhere.

 What? Don't blame me, Blame my subconscious.

Bitch what did you just say?


I am going rip your heart out.


I turned to see Xavier scowling at me I gave him an innocent smile in return which turned his scowl to a glare. 

I chewed my gum and looked around I once again found my self looking at Joshua and Brianna who were staring at each other. 

Is it me or am I feeling the sexual tension till here?

 I mean I always knew Joshua had a thing for Bri I wasn't so sure about Brianna. But I ship them, What is a good ship name for them? Now I feel like a teenage girl. 

I shook my head and turned back to Xavier who was staring at me and I stared back at his blue eyes which had a spark of grey that I just noticed and it was beautiful. 

I realized I was staring so I cleared my throat and looked away

 "Done" I heard him say 

"Took you long enough" I muttered and made my way to him I saw the sketch and my eyes went wide with shock

 "Wow" I breathed out. The sketch was gorgeous it had every small detail of me I turned to look at Xavier who was staring at me. 

"It's beautiful" I said 

He nodded his head and he grabbed his things and walked out the door and just then the bell rang. 

I stared at the sketching for a moment and grabbed my things.


         It's lunch time Bri, Josh and I are at the bleachers eating our lunch. I hate going to the cafeteria it's fucking annoying when people just stare at you while your eating.

 I was eating my lunch when a certain light browned hair boy caught my attention. 

He was walking across the field with his head down and hands under his pockets. I stood up and made my way to him while Bri and Josh gave me confused looks 

"Leo, Wait up" I called for him he turned and looked around when his eyes landed on him a small boyish grin made it's way to his face.

Sarafina De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now