Chapter 8

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Leonard's P.O.V-

It's been past 11:30pm and Sarafina hasn't come back yet and I'm getting worried. I might show hatred for her on the outside but I can't show how much I love her.

She has no idea she is my Sorellina (Little sister) . I can never hate her but a part of me blames her for our family that turned so broken the moment she left this house.

I heard the front door open, hoping it was Sarafina but Antonio and Gavino walked in and sat on the couch.

"Is Sarafina back?" Antonio immediately asked

"No she's not home yet" Vito replies worriedly.

Antonio brought his wrist up to check the time on his watch then he took his phone out and dialed a number probably Sarafina's I could hear the ringing but it was quickly sent to voicemail he dialed the number again.

The number was once again sent to voicemail.

Antonio got up and started pacing around. He does that a lot when he is stressed or worried.

"Antonio don't worry she will be here soon, maybe she is a little carried away and lost track of time" Gavino said but you could hear the worry in his voice.

Suddenly I heard the window shatter. I ducked down the couch and flipped the couch down and got the gun which is under the couch in case there is any attack.

Lorenzo was near me while Vito, Gavino and Antonio were ducked in another couch. They had guns in their hands too except Vito since he isn't the fighting type he never was.

There was a moment of silence and Gavino quickly stood up and pointed the gun at the window which was shattered and he had a confused face.

I quickly stood up and pointed my gun in the shattered window but there was nothing there. I looked around and there was nothing.

By now we all were standing now our guns pointed in every direction then the lights went off.

Out of nowhere we saw a figure quickly point the arrow on Vito's head and we all froze

"Keep your weapons down or I will shoot" The figure said with it's low voice but we all heard it clearly. We slowly put our guns down to the floor and Vito had his eyes shut tightly.

The figure moved slightly to the right and the moon light reflected it and she looked similar and then it clicked.

It's Black Rose.

What the hell does she want from us? I've only seen her go after rich bastards like recently she was after James Smith that guy is really messed up.

I glared at her.

"Who the hell are you?" Antonio asked

"It's surprising you don't know me, De Luca brothers." She says

my brothers looked confused but I know exactly who she is.

"Your Black rose aren't you?" I asked.

she stayed silent for a few moments and then she spoke

"I'm not here to hurt any of you"

"Yeah, That's why you have an arrow pointed at my brother's head" Lorenzo said sarcastically.

She slightly lowered the arrow and we watched her move closely

"Why does Dimitri Petrov want to kill you?" She asked, getting straight to the point.

Dimitri Petrov. How does she know him?

That guy has been our enemy for ages and it's no surprise he wants us dead.

"I don't think that is any of your damn business," Gavino said.

Gavino is the calmest out of all of us but when it comes to his family he can do anything.

"I think it is my damn business" She said harshly pointing the arrow on Vito's head moving one step closer.

"I think you're underestimating Dimitri, he has a lot of power and many allies on his side. Può distruggerti anche con le più piccole cose (He can destroy you even with the smallest things)." She said in Italian which surprised all of us.

She quickly shot the arrow on the ground and blinded us for a second when we all got our vision clearly. The lights went on and she was nowhere in sight but I noticed a file on the coffee table.

I picked up the file and did not expect this. It's a picture of all of us and every small information about us. In the file it's assigned to kill Antonio and all of us but what caught my attention was the fact that Black Rose was assigned to do it.

Was this a warning? Or was she trying to help us? And if yes then why?

My brothers and I were in deep thoughts for a moment then Gavino spoke

"I think we should clear the place Sarafina can be here anytime"

Antonio nodded his head and got his phone out and dialed a number and walked out.

After some minutes some of the mafia members came home and cleared the things and after a while it was like nothing happened here.

I sat on the couch with Vito and Lorenzo while Antonio was on his phone and Gavino in deep thoughts.

We heard the front door open and Sarafina walked in. We turned our heads and she froze.

Well this is going to be a long night.


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