Chapter 20

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《Sarafina's POV》

After me and Leonard's moment at the waterfall we went to get some food because I was hungry as hell we decided to sit at the tables 

"I'm going to go order" I heard Leonard say I was busy looking at the streets who are full of people.

 I nodded my head not sparing him a glance. We stopped at a café and it looked really cozy it's quiet inside. 

 I heard someone sit next to me I turned to my side and saw Leonard I smiled softly 

"The food is coming" He said and just like that I put my attention back to the window. 

I saw my self staring at a girl sitting at a bench all alone which makes me think where her parents are and just then a man came walking towards the girl with a big smile the girl jumped in excitement when she saw what was in the mans hands. 

The man I'm assuming is the father of the little girl kissed her forehead and carried her giving the ice-cream they happily walked away. 

I've never known my biological father or my mother. I've never felt parent love. How was my father? Did he love me? If he would than why did he give me up?

Questions ran through my mind about my parents that I didn't realize the food was here. 

"What are you thinking about?" Leonard asked

 I shake my head 

"You are clearly in deep thoughts. what is it that your thinking?" He asked curiously 

I bit my lip debating on whether I should ask him or not it's my right to know how my father and mother were, right? I took deep breaths 

"Leonard can I ask you something?" I asked unsure if I should just leave it or ask it just like that. 

He motioned me to go on as he stared at me curiously waiting for my question 

"How were my parents?" I asked quickly his expression changed to a sad one 

"I mean I've never known them I just wanted to at least know something how they were and I never meant to make you sad and I know it's not the right time to ask--" I gulped as I stopped ranting Leonard had a sad smile on his face 

"It's fine Sarafina I don't mind and your right you should know how our parents were and trust me Sarafina when I say our parents loved you so much" Leonard spoke his word wanted to make me cry knowing that I once had  parents but how can I believe they loved me when they were the one who gave me up.    

I wanted to ask him more about my parents but I bit the inside for my cheek to prevent the word from slipping out. We silently ate our food.


I was currently laughing so hard that my stomach feels like it's going to explode I've never laughed this hard in my life as Leonard continued telling the story on how Vito pranked Lorenzo the whole day the point where he was about to actually kill Vito. 

"No, he didn't" I said not believing him.  

"Yes, yes he did" Lorenzo said 

Sarafina De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now