Chapter 12

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~Kokichi's POV~

Shuichi and I were eating breakfast in the dining hall. When suddenly we heard someone burst through the door.

"Shuichi, come to Angie's lab quickly! She hasn't come out, even for student council members," Shirogane-San shouted.

"I'm on my way," Shuichi assured her.

We all ran to her lab. All of us continuously banged on her door, but no answer. The door's locked right? Wait we can just force our way in! I pulled out a hair clip and started picking the lock. When we walked inside we saw Yonaga-San's lifeless body on the ground.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"A body has been discovered! Everyone please gather in Angie's lab," Monokuma said.

The monitor then turned off as everyone rushed inside. Everyone was shocked about her death. I half expected her to die earlier honestly. I looked at the Monokuma File.

"The victim is the Ultimate Artist, Angie Yonaga. The victim's body was discovered in the Ultimate Artist's research lab. The time of death is approximately 2:00a.m. The victim was killed by a fatal stab wound to the back of the neck. Additionally, she has a laceration on her forehead."

*New Truth Bullet: Monokuma File #3 *

I looked over at her body. The injury on her forehead wasn't bleeding as much as it should, interesting.

*New Truth Bullet: Forehead Injury *

There was bloody duct tape stuck to her head. The blood was completely dry and almost gone.

*New Truth Bullet: Bloody Duct Tape *

There were wax figures of the dead. Those were probably made for the ritual. They were being hung upside down.

*New Truth Bullet: Wax  Effigies *

There was a katana from Shinguji-Kun's lab stabbed into the effigie of Kaede's chest. I took it out and saw there was blood at the end of it.

*New Truth Bullet: Bloody Katana *

This was a locked room mystery huh? Well, you can lock the door we came in from the inside.

*New Truth Bullet: Art Lab's front door  *

The other door has a sliding lock on the inside. It moves at the slightest touch, and there's something gold on the handle.

*New Truth Bullet: Art Lab's Back Door *

I picked up the necronomicon by her body. I opened it and read,

"Prepare an effigy of the dead soul you wish to contact. Everyone may participate. The size and shape is irrelevant. Make it out of whatever materials you wish. If it's not obvious who it is label it with the name of the deceased. After preparing it, burn the Necronomicon to ashes. Sprinkle the ashes on the effigy and repeat the name of the deceased three times. Wait a while and if you feel a tap on your shoulder,  you succeeded! This ritual can only be performed once."

*New Truth Bullet: Necronomicon *

I guess I should probably talk with everyone else about the case. I walked over to Shirogane-Chan.

"So you got anything?" I asked.

"Well Angie locked herself in her lab since yesterday. She didn't unlock it for anyone besides student council members," She replied.

*New Truth Bullet: Tsumugi's Account *

I feel like she's lying, but that can wait.

"We should communicate with Yonaga-San's spirit through a seance," Shinguji-Kun exclaimed excitedly, "We already have a room picked out, we just need participants."

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