thirty seven

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After searching Adam's apartment and place of work, the team had no luck of finding Devyn.

When they returned to headquarters, Ryan was anxious to hear if there were any new updates.

"Did you find them?" He asked as Hotch and Prentiss opened the door to interrogation.

Prentiss sighed, "No, Mr. Murphey, we didn't. We're going to need more information on Adam."

"I've told you everything I know! I swear!"

The three of them made their way back to where the rest of the team was located in the briefing room.

The atmosphere in the room was unbearable, everyone was confused and worried on Devyn's location. They had no leads. No way of finding her. It was as if she was just gone.

"Let's go over what we have," Rossi started, "We know our unsub is Adam Alexander, but we don't know where he has taken Devyn."

Everyone nodded, realizing they really didn't have anything to go off of.

Aaron walked over to the bulletin board where Reid was deep in thought, "Please tell me you have thought of something."

"Not exactly," Reid removed the images off of the board and set them on the table the rest of the team was standing around. "Most of these images of are Hotch and Devyn or Ryan and Devyn. Knowing our unsub is the son of Ryan, if we look at the ones of Ryan and Devyn, this suggests he's jealous of your growing relationship. He's probably offended that she got the opportunity and he didn't."

"That doesn't explain the pictures of Hotch and Devyn though," JJ stated.

"Well, that just shows his stalker tendencies, or implies that Hotch is a surrogate for when Ryan isn't around."

Aaron cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable, "Where are you going with this? How will this help us find where he's keeping her?"

"Are there any significant locations dealing with Devyn's father?" Morgan asked.

Hotch and Garcia made eye contact from across the table. They were the only members on the team who knew about Devyn's fathers passing.

Ryan spoke up, "That can't be right, he's dead."

The rest of the team furrowed their brows and looked around in confusion.

"Garcia, check where he's buried." Rossi ordered.

She immediately sat in the chair in front of her and opened her laptop. She quickly began to type away in hopes of finding the location.

"I got it! Prospect Hill Cemetery!"

"DC?" Emily spoke up.

"That's why the letter said DC! We thought it was her initials, but it was a clue!" JJ exclaimed.

"Garcia, send us the- " Rossi began to request, but he looked up noticing Aaron was already out the door. He turned and pointed to Ryan, "You're coming with us."

The team ran after him, quickly grabbing their things before everyone was sprinting down the stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator.

They all hopped in the black SUVs and headed off to the address Garcia had sent them.


"Everyone spread out! They could be anywhere." Hotch ordered as the team ran throughout the cemetery, looking for signs of their friend.

Aaron had his gun lowered at his side, ready for use in case he encountered Adam.

Everyone was yelling their faint 'clears' as they canvassed the field.

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