thirty eight

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I opened my eyes for the first time in what felt like years. Being greeted by the bright white lights, I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut.

A few gasps were heard, causing me to open my eyes yet again. This time letting them focus on the objects in front of me.

"She's awake!" A voice I didn't recognize called. I lifted my arms to rub my eyes, but was stopped by immense pain shooting through my left side. I set my left arm back down and fixed my eyesight with just my right hand.

Everything was clear now, I was in a hospital. A few doctors in scrubs and long lab coats scattered around me. Checking the wires and tubes coming from my body and the monitors around my bed.

"Welcome back," a women's voice hummed. I looked to my side to see who I assumed to be one of my doctors. She was probably around my age, her blonde hair was thrown into a neat bun, with her side bangs covering some of her forehead. She held a faint smile on her lips, "How are you feeling?"

I swallowed, trying to coat my extremely dry throat, "Uh, fine, I guess?" It came out as a question, I was still confused on everything.

"That's good to hear," she went back to pressing buttons on the monitor.

I laid my head back on the pillow, trying to recall everything, but my mind came up blank.

"Doctor- " I paused, realizing I hadn't gotten her name.

"Stevens," she smiled.

"Dr. Stevens, how long have I been out?" I asked faintly, still not being able to speak fully.

"A week and three days."

My eyes widened. A week? and three days? How can I not remember anything?

Another doctor entered, he was middle aged and wore a scrub cap covering his hair. He held a clipboard in one hand and put the other on his hip, "Good, you're awake! You gave us quite a scare," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

I forced the faintest of a smile.

"I'm Dr. Malone. I've been your primary on this case, Dr. Stevens has been my assistant."

I nodded and attempted to sit up a little more, "What happened?"

"You were stabbed five times in your left side."

Ah, how could I forget.

"When you arrived, you had lost a significant amount of blood, and your liver was punctured. You coded, but we were able to revive you. You also suffered a grade two concussion. It took two surgeries, and a medically induced comma, but you should be good as new in no time."

I didn't respond, only blinking blankly. This was a lot to take in.

"I know this can be extremely overwhelming, but to make you feel better, I've never seen a patient with more visitors. We had to limit the amount even in the waiting room!" Dr. Stevens smiled. She was definitely making me feel a lot better.

My lips curled into a smile and my chest lightly bounced as I attempted to let out a laugh. The initial thought of my friends and family was almost comforting.

"Speaking of visitors, the lobby is still full. Would you like me to send them in?" Dr. Malone asked.

I nodded and he left. I wasn't sure why, but I grew quite nervous to see everyone. I still wasn't fully aware on what had happened. What if they looked at me differently? Saw me as too weak? Or as a baby and not capable for the job?

I gently used the palms of my hands to push myself to a sitting position, trying not to show the pain on my face. Dr. Stevens must have noticed my failed attempt, and helped my to sit up.

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