Healing - Chapter 70

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When the rain came I thought you'd leave cause I knew how much you loved the sun.  But you chose to stay, stay and keep me warm through the darkest nights I've ever known... Mandolin Wind - Rod Stewart

It's a winter evening at the Heelshire mansion, and every window burns with light.    The festive season is always special now because Christmas is for kids, even though you still love Thanksgiving and insist on celebrating both.    The boys love Christmas, and you and Brahms watch as they decorate the huge tree in the hallway.  There's a couple of squabbles and a minor spat about whether there should be an angel or a star at the top, but on the whole the twins rarely fight and always find the middle way with each other.

You've just come off facetime with your family so far away - a long conversation laced with more than a little sadness that yet another year has passed with no visits.   But for you, Brahms and your boys come first now.   That's how it is.   How it should be.

After dinner you all sit and watch snow fall outside.   It'll be knee deep tomorrow.   Snowman weather.  It's like the most perfect Christmas.   Logs in the fireplace crackle, flames igniting the ruby depths of the red wine you're drinking.  The twins have their first snowball cocktail watered down with lemonade and spiked with cherries.  Brahms sips sparkling water.  

Later, when the boys have gone to bed,  you sit snuggled up on the couch together watching the fire burn.    As you always do when alone with Brahms, you marvel how you came to be here; wondering if fate and karma really exist.  That he and you are just meant to be together.  As though reading your mind, Brahms murmurs,  "If not for you, I'd be dead by now."

The very thought makes your blood run cold.  "Please, don't say that!"

"It's true.   You came at the height of my madness, and turned it all around.   I was looking into the Pit and you dragged me back from it."

You sit up to stare at him.   This is not like Brahms at all.   "But you didn't want to fall, not really."

He looks down at your hand in his.   The golden light from the flames dances off his lashes, casting long crescent shadows.   He's so emotional he's struggling to speak, so squeezes your hand hard instead.  

"Brahms...someone once said, 'Our wounds are the places where the Light comes in.'"  When he doesn't answer, you whisper, "You healed me too, you know.   Saved my life more than once.  You nearly died protecting me."

He turns to look at you then, his scars dancing in the firelight.  "You never tried to change me."

"Why would I?"

He looks away again, staring into the fire.   "When I was at my worst, you chose to stay."

"Yes, I did."

"Not even my parents wanted to stay with me."

"If not for them, I'd never have come.   But you chose me, remember?"

He refuses to look at you but you remind him anyway.  "I so needed that job, because it took me away from Joel.  On that first day, your parents left me on the landing to go into your room.  They closed the door  and  I thought they were talking to the doll.  But they were speaking to you through the walls.   Asking if I was the one.   And you said, yes.  You chose me from all the others."

"I loved you from the first moment I saw you." 

"And here we are."

"I wish..." he begins.

You wait for him to finish his sentence but he just watches the flames dance and flicker.  His eyes burn amber and seem to be watering.  Tenderly, you reach out to turn his face to yours.  "Every part of you is precious to me.  If not, I wouldn't be here.  I'm more like you than you'll ever know.  It took you to make me realise who I really am.  It took you to make me happy.  You...and the twins... are my world.  I would have you no other way, Brahms.   All of you is what I fell in love with."

Brahms lays his forehead to yours.   Tears sparkle as they fall from his cheeks.   You hold him as he cries.  This has been a long time coming.   

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