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Crona woke up by a small shake and looked up to see who it was.

"Looks like you fell asleep near the Boss's spot."
Shalnark smiled.
"Oh did I, I didn't realize." Crona got up walking past Shalnark and to their window spot.
"Where are the others?"
They noticed how they were the only two in the room.
"Oh they don't wake up early as I do. They must be sleeping still. I'd expect Machi and Nobunaga to be here but I guess not."

The blonde laughed. "Anyways, wanna tell me what you were talking about with the boss? Ya know, to pass the time."

"Um I don't know. It's nothing really."
"Nothing? After your fight, you're gonna say the boss said nothing? C'mon"
"Well basically he wants me to join you guys." Crona looked to the other side so that Shalnark wouldn't see their gloomy face.
"Yo that's so cool! Welcome to the group! So glad to have you here!"
Shalnark sticks his hand out waiting for Crona to shake it but was disappointed by having no response to his action.
"No I'm not in it."
"He gave me sometime to make a decision. So I'm still not part of anything."

"Aw c'mon Crona. We already took a liking to ya here, you'll fit right in!"
"Not really."
"Well yeah Feitan does want to kill you, but that's just him being him. He's always like that!"

Crona rests their chin on their arms. "Thanks for your concern, but I'd like to think about this decision by myself."
"Mm yeah that's understandable. But make it quick. I suspect your answer has to be made before the auction? And that's only a few days away." Shalnark moves his attention over to his phone to pass the time with a game.

'Only a few days?' Crona thought. 'I can't make up my mind that fast.'

As a few minutes passed by, the other members started to enter the area, giving a quick greeting or just a head nod.

Chrollo was the last to enter with a usual book in hand. It seemed like everywhere this man goes he has a book glued to his fingers.
"Now that the boss is here, now we can talk about what we're going to do tomorrow right?" Uvogin suggested.

'Tomorrow? No no you're being paranoid Crona. They're not possibly talking about the auction. Shalnark just said that it was only a few days. They're probably talking about another heist.' Crona rambled in their head.

"For the auction-"

'MNAHSMBAAAA' Crona freaked out. They got up and went to their room without grabbing the others' attention. Crona kept their usual face while walking past until they got to their room.

"Tomorrow!!???" Crona said while Ragnarok appeared.
"The auction is tomorrow! I can't do this, Ragnarok. I don't want to go!"
"Here we go again." Ragnarok sighed. "Remember what I said the other day? It's better to join them than being locked up for the rest of your life.

"I'm tired of hurting people, Ragnarok. Maka wouldn't like that and she taught me better than that." They huffed.

"You dummy listen-"

Throughout the day, Crona and Ragnarok have been talking about the pros and cons of being in both situations. Discussing about the future of both their lives about both scenarios. They were fighting yes, but they got through it, don't worry.
After hours of arguing, crying, planning, and predictions, the final answer was put into place.

"I feel like this is for the best. I'll give him my answer when I first see him tomorrow."
Crona looked up at Ragnarok with a smile.

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